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Projeto Descrição

Compiere is an integrated ERP and CRM business solution for automating financial, distribution, sales, and service processes, including: financial management, purchasing, materials management, manufacturing, order management, project accounting, customer management, sales, service requests, ecommerce, reporting, and performance management. Compiere utilizes a powerful model-driven application platform that provides customers with unprecedented adaptability, rapid deployment, and low cost of ownership.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-01-06 07:41

Esta versão melhora o motor de relatórios, fluxo de trabalho, e muitos outros itens.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This version improves the report engine, workflow, and many other items.

2002-11-18 21:20

O mecanismo de relatório foi melhorado. JBoss (3.0.4) J2EE Server é usado agora.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The reporting engine was improved. JBoss (3.0.4)
J2EE Server is now used.

2002-03-22 07:08

Melhorias entrada Contabilidade, contas a pagar ea receber melhorias, e uma atualização para o Tomcat 4.0.3.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Accounting entry improvements, Accounts Payables and Receivables improvements, and an update to Tomcat 4.0.3.

2001-11-20 10:48
2.4.0 Beta

Esta versão é mais fácil de instalar, e é baseado em Java 1.4, Oracle 9.0.1 e Tomcat 4.0.1. Mouse suporte para a roda e as personalizações nível adicional de usuários foram adicionados. Pagamentos (Petty Dinheiro, Cheques e Transferências de fundos) foram melhorados, assim como as informações e capacidades de pesquisa de encomendas, facturas, transferências e pagamentos.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release is easier to install, and is based on Java 1.4, Oracle 9.0.1 and Tomcat 4.0.1. Mouse wheel support and the additional user level customizations were added. Payments (Petty Cash, Checks and Funds Transfers) were improved, as were info and search capabilities for Orders, Invoices, Shipments and Payments.

Project Resources