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Projeto Descrição

curl and libcurl is a tool for transferring files using URL syntax. It supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, DICT, TELNET, LDAP, POP3, IMAP, SMTP, RTSP, RTMP, and FILE, as well as HTTP-post, HTTP-put, cookies, FTP upload, resumed transfers, passwords, port numbers, SSL certificates, Kerberos, and proxies. It is powered by libcurl, the client-side URL transfer library. There are bindings to libcurl for about 40 languages and environments.

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2010-06-16 23:39

As opções - e proto-proto-redir foram adicionados. A opção de configuração - enable-resolver-threaded foi adicionado. PolarSSL, FTP wildcards e RTMP são agora suportadas. As opções CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP e CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT foram adicionados. Pelo menos 17 bugs foram corrigidos.
The --proto and -proto-redir options were added. The configure option --enable-threaded-resolver was added. PolarSSL, FTP wildcard matching, and RTMP are now supported. The options CURLINFO_PRIMARY_PORT, CURLINFO_LOCAL_IP, and CURLINFO_LOCAL_PORT were added. At least 17 bugs were fixed.

2010-02-10 00:44

Suporte foi adicionado para RTSP, IMAP, POP3 e SMTP e umas poucas opções relacionadas a estas. O comando ftp PRET é agora suportado. A onda ferramenta compreende -J/--remote-header-name para usar um servidor fornecido pelo nome do arquivo com-O. Cerca de 30 bugs foram corrigidos. Uma falha de segurança relacionada foi corrigido.
Support was added for RTSP, IMAP, POP3, and SMTP and a few new options related to those. The PRET ftp command is now supported. The curl tool understands -J/--remote-header-name for using a server-provided filename with -O. Almost 30 bugs were fixed. One security related flaw was corrected.

2009-11-06 00:30

A opção-T é agora para não bloquear carregamento de stdin. SYST tratamento é feito no FTP para OS/400 servidores FTP. libcurl se recusa a ler um cabeçalho HTTP único mais de 100K. A opção - crlfile foi adicionado ao enrolar. 29 bugs foram corrigidos.
The -T option is now for non-blocking uploading from stdin. SYST handling is done on FTP for OS/400 FTP servers. libcurl refuses to read a single HTTP header longer than 100K. The --crlfile option was added to curl. 29 bugs were fixed.

2009-08-17 17:03

O problema de segurança indicadas pela CVE-2009-2417 foi corrigido. CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION e CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA foram adicionados, o que torna os arquivos de suporte libcurl openssh known_hosts, e assim não enrolar agora. CURLOPT_FTPPORT (e Curl -P/--ftpport) foi feita para apoiar a intervalos de portas. Operações de simulação de FTP são opcionalmente permitido falhar sem causar uma conexão fechada. Mais de 25 bugs foram corrigidos.
The security problem denoted by CVE-2009-2417 was fixed. CURLOPT_SSH_KNOWNHOSTS, CURLOPT_SSH_KEYFUNCTION, and CURLOPT_SSH_KEYDATA were added, which makes libcurl support the openssh known_hosts files, and so does curl now. CURLOPT_FTPPORT (and curl's -P/--ftpport) was made to support port ranges. FTP quote operations are now optionally allowed to fail without causing a closed connection. Over 25 bugs were fixed.

2009-05-18 18:10

Um par de pequenas alterações foram feitas e cerca de 30 bugs foram corrigidos.
A couple of minor changes were made and almost 30 bugs were fixed.

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