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Projeto Descrição

EPIC4 is a new direction in ircII development. It was originally built upon the ircII-2.6 client and has maintained faithfulness to remain current up to the 2.8.2 release. EPIC is somewhat larger than the stock client (24%), but that is mostly because of the multitude of new features, the dual ANSI/K&R compliant function headers, and the large amount of re-written code in an attempt to make ircii faster, more efficient, and more powerful.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:12
EPIC 4pre2.004-19990927

Bugfix release. Veja ChangeLog com o tarball para mais detalhes.
Bugfix release. See ChangeLog with the tarball for details.

2001-01-30 15:12
EPIC 4pre2.004-19990718

Adicionar / msg servidor: capacidades nick, para mostrar o código numérico 437, quando o seu "Não é possível entrar no canal." Novo script 'newaway', break / nome da janela, suporte para o / e / continue in / foreach e / break in / switch, pânico em parse_line () para interceptar para um NULL inválidos antes um Deref, urlencode / stuff urldecode para CRD com espaços em nomes de arquivos, fixar limites falta de verificação para ^ [P, ^ [G, ^ [] no strip_ansi (), / delete_previous_word ligar, não iria apagar todo o caminho para SOL, replace_color para lidar com TERM_DOES_BRIGHT_BLINK melhor, o apoio a 437 numéricos (Channel Não Disponível) para remover o canal, cheques falsos do Cliente-> flags sem máscara contra DCC_TYPES, bug onde unstubbing um alias que wasnt definido poderia deixar de funcionar e muito mais.
Add /msg server:nick capabilities, code to display 437 numeric when its "Can't join channel.", new 'newaway' script, /window name, support for /break and /continue in /foreach and for /break in /switch, panic in parse_line() to trap for an invalid NULL before a deref, urlencode/urldecode stuff for DCCs with spaces in filenames, fix missing bounds checking for ^[P, ^[G, ^[] in strip_ansi(), /bind delete_previous_word, wouldn't delete all the way to SOL, replace_color to handle TERM_DOES_BRIGHT_BLINK better, support for 437 numeric (Channel Not Avail) to remove channel, bogus checks of Client->flags without mask against DCC_TYPES, bug where unstubbing an alias that wasnt defined could crash and more.

2001-01-30 15:12
EPIC 4pre2.004-19990618

Corrigir os danos que possam ser causados pela queda nicks em nomes de manipulador de réplica e adicionar R $ info (v), retorna "epic4 pre2 004" para indicar a informação da versão geral.
Fix damage that might be caused by dropping nicks in names reply handler and add $info(v), returns "epic4 pre2 004" to indicate general version info.

2001-01-30 15:12
EPIC 4pre2.004-19990608

Corrigido lastlog $ (), assim que as contagens de 1 em vez de 0 e estúpido bug que impedia / set ROM mangle_outbound de trabalhar.
Fixed $lastlog(), so it counts from 1 instead of from 0 and dumb bug
that prevented /set mangle_outbound ROM from working.

2001-01-30 15:12
EPIC 4pre2.004-19990528

I_DONT_TRUST_MY_USERS deve agora ser definido para rejeitar dcc fora de / etc, retirados alguns cheques falsos filesize entre DCC GET e conversar, corrigir dcc_searchlist para nunca mais voltar entradas DELETED. Corrigido winchan $ (refnum) para funcionar corretamente, o algoritmo de conclusão fixado em find_in_server_list a ser um pouco mais esperto, adicionou novas funcionalidades $ line () e adicionar R $ lastlog () (ver UPDATES).
I_DONT_TRUST_MY_USERS must now be defined to reject dcc's out of /etc, removed some bogus filesize checks between DCC GET and CHAT, fix dcc_searchlist to never return DELETEd entries. Fixed $winchan(refnum) to work correctly, fixed completion algorithm in find_in_server_list to be a bit smarter, added new features to $line() and add $lastlog() (see UPDATES).

Project Resources