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Projeto Descrição

XHTML Family Tree Generator is a CGI Perl script together with some Perl modules that will create views of a family tree. Data can be stored in a database or in a data file. The data file is either a simple text (CSV), an Excel, or GEDCOM file listing the family members, parents, and other details. It is possible to show a tree of ancestors and descendants for any person, showing any number of generations. Other facilities are provided for showing email directories, birthday reminders, facehall, and more. It has a simple configuration, makes heavy use of CGI (and other CPAN modules), generates valid XHTML, and has support for Unicode and multiple languages.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-11-15 06:25

Manuseamento da data de nascimento e morte de dados GEDCOM.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Proper handling of date of birth and death in GEDCOM data.

2008-11-03 14:29

Suporte ao idioma russo foi adicionado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Russian language support was added.

2008-10-18 06:38

No botão zoom-out, se não houver mais gerações. A cor da borda da imagem depende da existência do membro (preto para os parentes mortos). Veja as classes de mortos e vivos na folha de estilo. Gênero do dependente, para pessoas desconhecidas. Proper UTF-8 e Excel codificação (big endian) manuseio. Correções de erros (por exemplo, na mudança de linguagem). A alteração do arquivo de configuração (consulte a opção de codificação para o formato CSV).
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
No zoom-out button if there are no more generations. The border color of the image depends on the existence of the member (black for dead relatives). See the classes dead and alive in the stylesheet. Gender-dependent picture for unknown persons. Proper UTF-8 and Excel encoding (big endian) handling. Bugfixes (e.g. in language switching). A config file change (see option encoding for CSV format).

2007-12-08 01:56

Suporte de idioma romeno foi adicionado, eo código foi limpado.
Romanian language support has been added, and the code has been cleaned up.

2007-10-22 02:08

Esta versão desacopla estilo de saída XHTML, empregando um estilo.
This release decouples style from XHTML output by
employing a stylesheet.

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