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Projeto Descrição

The FedEx Direct Connect PHP class has been developed to ease the integration efforts needed to bring FedEx shipping and tracking capabilities into your PHP applications. It will enable you to send SSL encrypted shipping, tracking, rate, and service availability transactions directly to FedEx's transaction servers.
This class is intended to be used with FedEx's Ship Manager Direct API and can support all of its transactions.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-08-30 20:56

Em resposta às mudanças FedEx Direct Connect API, tem havido mudanças significativas. Novos métodos foram adicionados para suportar novos tipos FedEx transação. Nova pesquisa de tags foram adicionadas por o TaggedTransactionGuide. Existe um novo método PEAR HTTP_Request para aqueles que não podem utilizar cURL. Mais exemplos estão incluídos. Alguns pequenos problemas foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
In response to the FedEx Direct Connect API changes, there have been significant changes. New methods have been added to support FedEx's new transaction types. New lookup tags have been added per the TaggedTransactionGuide. There is a new PEAR HTTP_Request method for those who can't use cURL. More examples are included. A few small bugs have been fixed.

2004-08-12 15:08

A FedEx tabela de pesquisa de código foi adicionado. Um mapeamento mais humano-legível de todos os tags FedEx possível foi acrescentado. A verificação de erros na análise de dados foi melhorada. Novos métodos foram adicionados ao olhar para retornam dados Fedex.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A FedEx code lookup table was added. A more
human-readable mapping of all possible FedEx's
tags was added. Error checking on data parsing was
improved. New methods were added to look up FedEx
return data.

2003-11-12 17:42

Os arquivos README e mudanças foram adicionados para fins de documentação.
Tags: Documentation
The README and CHANGES files were added for
documentation purposes.

Project Resources