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Projeto Descrição

fig2ps is a script for converting xfig files to PS
or PDF, processing text using LaTeX. It is
intended to help typeset good quality documents,
where the font on the pictures is exactly the same
as the font in the text. The advantage it has over
some other xfig exporters such as eepic is that
you compile the picture only once and not every
time you compile your LaTeX file, giving a great
gain in speed with complex pictures. It should
work with LyX.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-01-11 05:01

Isso libera recursos a fixação de um monte de erros antigos, em particular a que foi resultando em fig2ps adivinhando a caixa delimitadora de errado com - bbox = gs (o padrão). A página de manual foi reescrito do zero e é mais claro agora.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
This releases features the fixing of a whole bunch
of old bugs, in particular the one that was
resulting in fig2ps guessing the wrong bounding
box with --bbox=gs (the default). The manual page
was rewritten from scratch and is clearer now.

2006-09-16 20:25

Manipulação de arquivos temporários para grandes figuras foi melhorado. O programa agora corretamente lida com nomes que incluem caracteres incomuns. O utilizador pode agora avançar opções para fig2dev. A documentação foi atualizada.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
Handling of temporary files for large figures was
improved. The program now correctly deals with
filenames that include unusual characters. The
user can now forward options to fig2dev. The
documentation has been updated.

2004-12-07 09:12

Esta versão tem bugs conhecidos, e não de características faltantes.
Tags: Stable, Initial freshmeat announcement
This release has no known bugs, and no features

Project Resources