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Projeto Descrição

FusionForge is a collaborative development environment that gathers in one single place several tools useful for development teams: communication tools (forums, mailing-lists, news, etc.); development tools (bug/patch trackers, project management, source control systems, etc.); and community tools (file releases, software categorization, Web site hosting, etc.). It is the continuation of the free software version of GForge, based on the codebase that was maintained in parallel to the proprietary GForge AS version.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2009-04-23 19:14

Um novo nome para evitar confusão com as versões proprietárias do GForge, o suporte para PHP5 e PostgreSQL 8.x, traduções administrado por gettext, suporte para várias configurações em execução no mesmo código, a segurança melhorou, sem necessidade de register_globals PHP, e como disponibilidade total CD de instalação. Foram apresentados novos plugins: MediaWiki, PhpWiki, online_help, phpwebcalendar e hierarquia do projeto.
A new name to avoid confusion with proprietary versions of GForge, support for PHP5 and PostgreSQL 8.x, translations managed by gettext, support for several configurations running on the same code, improved security with no need for PHP register_globals, and availability as a full install CD. New plugins were provided: MediaWiki, phpWiki, online_help, phpwebcalendar, and project hierarchy.

Project Resources