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Projeto Descrição

The GuiLoader C library allows applications to reconstruct user interfaces from GuiXml files. GuiXml interfaces are created and edited by the Crow Designer. Access to the GuiLoader functionality for applications in C++ is granted by a special auxiliary library, GuiLoader-C++.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-07-19 06:37

Versão atualizada GuiXml: 13. A barreira de compatibilidade GuiXml foi elevada para 13. Versões anteriores GuiXml deve ser re-gravadas no Designer Corvo> = 2.99.0. Atualizado dependências: GTK +> = 3.0.
Updated GuiXml version: 13. The GuiXml compatibility barrier was raised to 13. Previous GuiXml versions must be re-saved in the Crow Designer >= 2.99.0. Updated dependencies: GTK+ >= 3.0.

2010-11-15 04:52

Pequenas atualizações foram feitas.
Minor updates were made.

2010-08-03 21:39

GuiXml foi atualizado para a versão 12.
GuiXml was updated to version 12.

2010-05-31 22:55

Pequenas atualizações foram feitas.
Minor updates were made.

2010-05-06 23:16

GuiXml foi atualizado para a versão 11. Advertências nome GtkActionGroup foram eliminados. agora é definido apenas durante o modo de visualização.
GuiXml was updated to version 11. GtkActionGroup name warnings were eliminated. is now set only during preview mode.

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