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Projeto Descrição

K-3D is a 3D modeling, animation, and rendering system for GNU/Linux & Win32. Features include creation and editing of geometry in multiple realtime OpenGL solid, shaded, and texture-mapped views; unlimited undos and redos; complete extensibility at runtime through third-party plugins; animated procedural geometric effects; all parameters animatable through a consistent control-spline based interface; rendering pipeline to Renderman Interface compliant rendering engines; optimization for use with the Aqsis rendering engine, which features solid modelling, true displacement, and user programmable shaders; and support for background and batch rendering.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-02-06 15:21

Esta é a primeira versão estável. Inclui usuário abrangente e documentação para desenvolvedores no formato DocBook, Python e novos mecanismos de script Ruby, novos tutoriais, e correções de erros significativos.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This is the first stable release. It includes comprehensive user and developer documentation in DocBook format, new Python and Ruby script engines, new tutorials, and significant bugfixes.

2002-06-06 15:59

Nesta versão, bugs críticos foram corrigidos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
In this version, critical bugs have been fixed.

2002-04-19 20:55

Bugfixes foram feitas para o RenderMan I / O do sistema. Várias ferramentas de trabalho novamente. As bibliotecas SDP são distribuídos em pacotes separados.
Bugfixes have been made to the RenderMan I/O system. Several tools
work again. The SDP libraries are now distributed as separate

2002-03-28 10:22

Neste projeto objeto de liberação, plugins, SDK, assim como várias bibliotecas (sdpGtk sdpXml, etc), são melhorados. Muitos primitivas, as ferramentas de animação e objetos existem, como o estouro particule, superfície implícita, eo terreno fractal. A versão atual é capaz de construir e renderizar cenas básicas e animações.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
In this release object design, plugins, SDK, as well as several libraries (sdpGtk, sdpXml, etc), are improved. Many primitives, animation tools, and objects exist, such as particule burst, implicit surface, and fractal terrain. The current version is able to build and render basic scenes and animations.

2001-05-30 23:47

Consulte o Changelog para mais detalhes.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
See the Changelog for details.

Project Resources