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Projeto Descrição

KGuitune is a guitar-and-other-instruments tuner. It takes a signal from the microphone, calculates its frequency, and displays it on a note scale graphic and an oscilloscope. It supports normal, Wien, and physical tuning.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-07-28 22:32

K3Guitune 0,4 aumentou o desempenho, a tradução holandesa, e um manual de verdade.
Tags: KDE3
K3Guitune 0.4 has increased performance, a Dutch translation, and a real handbook.

2003-09-07 18:35

Uma compilação em soundinput.h problema foi corrigido.
Tags: KDE3, Minor bugfixes
A compile problem in soundinput.h has been fixed.

2003-08-25 16:09

ALSA é agora suportado. Agora você pode escolher quais os sistemas de áudio para suporte em tempo de compilação.
Tags: KDE3, Minor feature enhancements
ALSA is now supported. You can now choose which
audio systems to support at compile time.

2003-05-29 19:59

Esta versão adiciona suporte para artes, tem maior precisão por causa do código de 16 bits de áudio resultante da fusão da gtkguitune 0,6, e corrige alguns pequenos bugs encontrados na versão 0.1.
Tags: KDE3, Minor feature enhancements
This release adds support for aRts, has better accuracy because of the 16-bit audio code merged in from GtkGuitune 0.6, and fixes some small bugs found in version 0.1.

2002-12-02 17:42

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources