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Projeto Descrição

KVirc is a Visual Internet Relay Chat Client based on the Qt library. Features include a MDI user interface, drag & drop, built-in scripting language (aliases, popups and events), customizable backgrounds and colours, DCC (chat, send with resume, voice), CTCP functions, mIRC colour support with preview, notify list, online help and configurable logging.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-01-06 19:00

90% dos recursos de 2 .* ramo já foram re-implementado e há muitas coisas novas para brincar. Há um trabalho-em-porta UNICODE progresso: a interface do usuário começa a "falar" Latin1 estrangeiros não () com base em idiomas. Janela com IRC mapeamento conjunto de caracteres tem sido implementada (com 8 páginas de código comumente utilizados por agora). Alguns módulos foram removidos da distribuição principais: eles serão liberados como pacotes separados. O diálogo scriptcenter foi dividido em partes menores e uma barra de ferramentas do editor GUI foi adicionada. Há toneladas de bugs e melhorias.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
90% of the 2.* branch features have been already re-implemented and there are many new things to play with. There is a work-in-progress UNICODE port: the UI starts to "speak" foreign (non Latin1) based languages. Window based IRC character set mapping has been implemented (with 8 commonly used codepages for now). Some modules have been removed from the main distribution: they will be released as separate packages. The scriptcenter dialog has been split into smaller pieces and a GUI toolbar editor has been added. There are tons of bugfixes and improvements.

2001-05-01 09:40

Correções para o menu transparente e falta de arquivo de macro. IrcView, cerca de diálogo e falta incluir no kvi_dlgoptions.cpp fixo
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Fixes for the transparent menubar and missing macro file. IrcView, about dialog, and missing include in kvi_dlgoptions.cpp fixed

2001-01-30 15:13
KVirc 0.6.0 snapshot 1

2001-01-30 15:13
Kvirc 0.6.0

2001-01-30 15:13

Apoio de objetos e outros truques novos para a linguagem de script, rearranjos GUI, comandos de usuários novos, novos plugins, ajuda on-line melhorada, exemplos de script (com um remetente e um jogo de caça-minas), e um monte de correções.
Object support and other new tricks for the scripting language, GUI rearrangements, new user commands, new plugins, improved online help, script examples (with a mail sender and a minesweeper game), and a lot of bugfixes.

Project Resources