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Projeto Descrição

NHI1 is an attempt to create a non-human intelligence. It is composed of several sub-projects like theLink (formerly known as libmsgque) and theBrain, which is a persistent storage system able to save a data package from theLink without transformation.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-04-12 01:10

Release 9 do "Pacote de Trabalho II" estava terminado. O Unix e Windows construir ambientes são idênticos. As aplicações de MS Visual foram substituídos com a cadeia de ferramentas Cygwin e cross-compilador mingw.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements, Major architecture modularisation
Release 9 of "Work Package II" was finished. The Unix and Windows build environments are now identical. The MS Visual applications were replaced with the Cygwin tool-chain and mingw cross-compiler.

2011-03-16 06:27

Atualizado "Windows" de apoio.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements, Windows
Updated "Windows" support.

2011-03-01 12:23

Esta versão adicionou persistente transação apoiar-parte-2. 'Storage' A API foi adicionado para armazenar e recuperar um pacote de dados do banco de dados. 'Dump' A API também foi adicionado para exportar e importar dados de armazenamento externo.
Tags: SQLite, Bugfixes, Feature Enhancements
This release added persistent-transaction-support-part-2. A 'Storage'
API was added for storing and retrieving a data package from the database. A 'Dump' API was also added for exporting and importing data from external storage.

2011-01-21 20:19

Esta versão incorpora SQLite no kernel PLMK. Só a gestão de memória é usado atualmente.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements, SQLite
This release embeds sqlite support into the PLMK kernel. Only the memory management is currently used.

2011-01-14 21:38

Release 4 do WP2 foi finalizado. suporte de fábrica foi adicionado. A fábrica adiciona a capacidade de criar novos tipos de servidores na mosca e apresenta capacidade de programação de auto-NHI1.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Release 4 of wp2 has been finished. Factory support was added. The Factory adds the ability to create new server types on the fly and introduces self-programming capability to NHI1.

Project Resources