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Projeto Descrição

The Magic Notebook is a CGI script which allows the user to store and organize notes in as many topics
as are desired. Uses include contact information, to do lists, lists of books to read, status
information for different projects, a list of "things to do when thus-and-such happens", keeping track
of things you need to tell people, and for the advanced user an editable quote of the day. The Magic
Notebook is intended to give Webmasters a new attraction with little extra work.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-04-29 16:07

O RPM agora contém arquivos vitais que haviam sido omitidas devido a problemas rpmbuild. Desde 1.3.3, um motor de busca foi adicionado.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
The RPM now contains vital files that had previously been omitted due to rpmbuild issues. Since 1.3.3, a search engine has been added.

2003-04-02 18:45

Um motor de busca foi acrescentado.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements
A search engine was added.

2003-02-10 17:10

Um erro que impediu a criação de login no menu administrativo foi fixado. Seleção de material exibido é agora maiúsculas e minúsculas. A rotina que gera a maior parte da produção foi otimizado.
Tags: Stable, Minor bugfixes
A bug that prevented login creation from the administrative menu was fixed. Sorting of displayed material is now case insensitive. The routine that generates most of the output was optimized.

2003-02-07 22:47

Um bug foi corrigido que por vezes impediu a criação de anotações e pastas. Um bug foi corrigido que desativou a opção de exibir todos os rotação de texto de uma vez. Outras correções foram feitas sortidas. Completamente novos modelos para logins novos foram acrescentados.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
A bug was fixed that sometimes prevented creation of notes and folders. A bug was fixed that disabled the option of displaying all rotating text at once. Other assorted bugfixes were made. Completely new templates for new logins were added.

2003-02-03 17:36

Apoiar o acesso simultâneo de logins convidado foi reforçada. Arquivo corrupção questões foram abordadas. Correcções foram feitas para o programa de instalação da distribuição fonte. O usuário-texto visível foi feito um pouco mais consistente. Assorted bugfixes menores foram feitas.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
Concurrent access support for guest logins was enhanced. File corruption issues were addressed. Corrections were made to the source distribution installer. The user-visible text was made slightly more consistent. Assorted minor bugfixes were made.

Project Resources