Download List

Projeto Descrição

MediaCore is a media-focused CMS. It features rich video and audio support, YouTube/Vimeo integration, HTML5 video, support for the iPad/iPhone, podcasting, iTunes RSS generation, user-submitted content, an embedded media player, and searching. It is highly customizable. There is both a front-end for users and a back-end for administrators. Users can browse videos or podcasts. Users can search for videos by topics and tags. Users can upload videos to the platform; administrators can moderate newly uploaded videos. Administrators can add video, audio, or podcasts. A comment platform for moderation is built-in. Podcasts can be video or audio. It also has automatic iTunes feed generation, automatic RSS feed generation, and feedburner support.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2010-04-07 20:30

Esta versão estável corrige vários bugs na interface do usuário, e também adiciona funcionalidade de pesquisa. Esta versão também corrige alguns problemas de instalação e faz MediaCore compatível com o Ubuntu instalado.
Tags: Minor, Stable
This stable release fixes several bugs in the UI, and also adds search functionality. This release also corrects several installation issues and makes MediaCore compatible with Ubuntu installs.

Project Resources