Download List

Projeto Descrição

Model Builder is a graphical tool for designing,
simulating, and analyzing mathematical models
consisting of a system of ordinary differential
equations (ODEs).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2006-10-19 07:24

Um livro de ajuda foi adicionado, mas ainda está sendo escrito. Botões foram adicionados à parcela do espectro de potência espectrograma, e transformada wavelet para a janela da planilha. Equações e expressões parâmetro são pré-compilados. O desempenho das rotinas de integração foi duplicada. Muitos erros foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
A help book was added, but it is still being
written. Buttons were added to plot spectrogram,
power spectrum, and wavelet transform to the
spreadsheet window. Equations and parameter
expressions are now precompiled. The performance
of Integration routines was doubled. Many bugs
were fixed.

2006-10-15 18:30

A barra de ferramentas foi aprimorado. Análise de incerteza foi concluída. Muitos erros foram corrigidos. Um binário para Windows está disponível.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The toolbar has been enhanced. Uncertainty Analysis has been completed. Many bugs have been fixed. A Windows binary is available.

2006-07-03 16:07

Tags: Minor bugfixes

2006-06-27 06:17

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources