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Projeto Descrição

Nag is a Web-based application built upon the Horde Application Framework that provides a simple, clean interface for managing online task lists (i.e. TODO lists). It includes strong integration with the other Horde applications and offers shared task lists.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-08-03 00:06
H4 (3.0.3)

O desempenho foi melhorado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Performance was improved.

2011-07-06 06:00
H4 (3.0.2)

Esta versão adiciona uma tradução ucraniana. Tem atualizadas Português do Brasil, francês, letão, lituano, eslovaco, espanhol e traduções.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release adds a Ukrainian translation. It has updated Brazilian Portuguese, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Slovak, and Spanish translations.

2011-05-03 22:35
H4 (3.0.1)

Pequenas correções de bugs e melhorias foram feitas.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Small bugfixes and improvements were made.

2011-04-06 20:15
H4 (3.0)

O código foi atualizado para a Horda 4. Uma interface AJAX, listas de tarefas do sistema, lista de tarefas para colorir, ea tarefa rápida adicionando foram adicionados.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
The code was updated for Horde 4. An AJAX frontend, system task lists, task list coloring, and quick task adding were added.

2011-03-23 15:20
H4 (3.0-RC1)

apoio Kolab estava acabado. As instruções de instalação e atualização foram atualizados.
Tags: Major feature enhancements, Documentation improvements
Kolab support was finished. The installation and upgrade instructions were updated.

Project Resources