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Projeto Descrição

nspamper is an event driven client to update
dynamic DNS entries via Nsupdates. It robustly
copes with network problems by retrying until DNS
returns the the new IP address. It also correctly
handles the case where the link dropped and
re-established before the last attempt succeeded
by using the latest IP address. Only a minimum of
configuration options are required.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-12-31 18:42

A documentação foi atualizada para refletir maciçamente estatuto público. As configurações codificado tornou configurável. Fallback para mudanças de IP, enquanto o daemon nspamper não está em execução foi transferida para nspamper mudança.
Tags: Documentation
The documentation was updated massively to reflect
public status. The hardcoded settings became
configurable. Fallback for IP changes while the
nspamper daemon isn't running was moved into

2008-12-28 16:36

O init / scripts ppp foram ajustados para lembrar o endereço IP quando o daemon cliente nspamper é baixo.
Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement
The init/ppp scripts were adjusted to remember the
IP address when the nspamper client daemon is

Project Resources