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Projeto Descrição

oftpd is designed to be as secure as an anonymous FTP server can possibly be. It runs as non-root for most of the time, and uses the Unix chroot() command to hide most of the systems directories from external users--they cannot change into them even if the server is totally compromised. It also contains its own directory-change and directory-listing code (most FTP servers execute the system "ls" command to list files).

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-03-27 06:07

Habilidade para especificar interface, porta e máximo de conexões no arranque, e diversas negação de serviço ataques sejam evitados.
Tags: Development, Minor feature enhancements
Ability to specify interface, port, and maximum connections on startup, and several denial-of-service attacks are prevented.

2001-03-21 04:21

Esta versão adiciona suporte para IPv6 (incluindo EPSV, que é útil para os clientes IPv4 atrás de um firewall), seleção de porta aleatória para evitar o seqüestro, e várias correções de bugs.
Tags: Development, Major feature enhancements
This release adds IPv6 support (including EPSV, which is useful for IPv4 clients behind a firewall), random port selection to prevent hijacking, and several bugfixes.

2001-01-30 15:13

Envia arquivo README em conectar ou alterar o diretório, o apoio à retomada de arquivos através do comando REST, um modelo de discussão alterado (agora suporta até 250 clientes no Linux), e muitas correções de bugs pequenos.
Tags: Stable
Sends README file on connect or directory change, support for file resumes via the REST command, a changed thread model (now supports up to 250 clients on Linux), and lots of tiny bugfixes.

2001-01-30 15:13

Minor bugfixes e melhorias de código, e uma porta Solaris.
Tags: Stable
Minor bugfixes and code improvements, and a Solaris port.

2001-01-30 15:13

Primeiro lançamento público.
Tags: Stable
First public release.

Project Resources