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Projeto Descrição

OpenBlueLab is an ERP designed through UML models using an MDA approach. Each business domain (such as Financial, Sales/CRM, HCM, PLM, or SCM) is separated into subdomains which are designed through models. Theses models are interconnected through common classes and workflows. It is generated for Alfresco, but could be generated for other frameworks.

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2007-08-30 16:07

No diagrama de classe, os nomes de "período de" atributos são mostrados em rubricas orçamentais. Métodos de classe foram adicionados.
Tags: Financial / Budget, Major feature enhancements
In the class diagram, the names of "period"
attributes are shown in budget lines. Class
methods were added.

2007-08-24 10:49

Algumas mudanças foram feitas em diagramas de classe geral de contabilidade. Nesta nova versão, há também um diretório que contém arquivos para integrar um plano de contas e um exemplo de revista no banco de dados de OpenBlueLab.
Tags: Financial/Accounting, Major feature enhancements
Some changes were made in general accounting class
diagrams. In this new version, there is also a
directory which contains files for integrating a
chart of accounts and an example of journal in the
database of OpenBlueLab.

2007-08-09 17:36

Em diagramas de classe, todas as entidades (classes, atributos e métodos) são documentadas de forma a permitir geração de documentos HTML. Alguns métodos de cálculo foram acrescentados. Inventário de avaliação de diagramas de classe foram excluídas do modelo. Algumas mudanças foram feitas em modos que flui entre as unidades de análise de custos. relatórios iReport foi integrado.
Tags: Financial / Costs, Major feature enhancements
In class diagrams, all entities (classes, attributes, and methods) are documented in order to allow HTML documentation generation. Some calculating methods were added. Inventory evaluation class diagrams were deleted from the model. Some changes were made in flowing modes between units of cost analysis. iReport reporting was integrated.

2007-08-03 20:04

Esta versão melhora a geração de Java: classe de associação e de associação.
Tags: Developer Studio, Major feature enhancements
This version improves the Java generation : association class and association.

2007-08-02 19:53

Nesta versão, a visibilidade dos atributos foi alterado de "público" para "particular". Todas as entidades (classes, atributos e métodos) são documentadas de forma a permitir geração de documentos HTML. Finalmente, elaboração de relatórios iReport foi integrada.
Tags: Financial / Budget, Major feature enhancements
In this version, the visibility of attributes was changed from "public" to "private". All entities (classes, attributes, and methods) are documented in order to allow HTML documentation generation. Finally, iReport reporting has been integrated.

Project Resources