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Projeto Descrição

Pakt is an XML abstraction layer for GObjects. It maintains a server-side tree of glib-like (Gtk, Gnome, etc) objects and provides access methods to manipulate the same (and thereby the running 'application'). Its primary use is to publish GStreamer pipelines, enabling connected clients to monitor and change the element's parameters and the pipeline's structure.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2004-09-19 07:43

Módulos para GTK e controles "servidor" foram adicionados, permitindo que um cliente GUI (paktc). Várias novas funcionalidades e bugs foram introduzidos e alguns bugs foram corrigidos. A documentação está desatualizada.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Modules for GTK and "server controls" were added, enabling a GUI client (paktc). Various new features and bugs were introduced and some bugs were fixed. The documentation is now out of date.

2004-03-19 05:58

O tratamento de GProperty foi redesenhado, rede foi estabilizada, e um "/ sistema de ramo", descrevendo os espaços disponíveis e as classes aí foi adicionado. Acompanhamento foi redesenhado, muitos bugs foram corrigidos, e vários outros aprimoramentos de recursos menores foram feitas. GStreamer 0.8 ou mais recente agora é necessário.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The handling of GProperty was redesigned, networking
was stabilized, and a "/system" branch describing the
available namespaces and classes therein was added.
Monitoring was redesigned, many bugs were fixed, and
various other minor feature enhancements were made.
GStreamer 0.8 or newer is now required.

2003-11-24 18:15

O sistema de compilação foi migrado para autoconf / automake. A arquitetura foi modularizado ( "pgstd" se transforma em "gst m paktd"). P: Ficha do imóvel foram transferidos para p: spec. p: nomes de tipo spec são curtos (por exemplo, "double" em vez de "duplo ponto flutuante de precisão Valor"). @ @ legível e gravável foram adicionados à P: spec @. replyto foi adicionado ao p: monitor. Pequenas correções e mudanças também foram feitas.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The build system was migrated to
autoconf/automake. The architecture was
modularized ("pgstd" turns into "paktd -m gst").
p:property specs were moved to p:spec. p:spec type
names are now short (for example, "double" instead
of "Double-precision Floating-point Value").
@readable and @writable were added to p:spec.
@replyto was added to p:monitor. Small fixes and
changes were also made.

2003-09-25 16:07

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources