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Projeto Descrição

REXEC is a secure, decentralized remote execution system for running parallel and sequential jobs on a cluster of computers. It provides high availability, scalability, transparent remote execution, dynamic cluster configuration, decoupled node discovery and selection, a well-defined failure and cleanup model, parallel and distributed program support, and strong authentication and encryption.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2001-01-30 15:13

REXEC agora usa a biblioteca OpenSSL para o SSL, e configuração do sistema é mais fácil através da utilização do autoconf.
REXEC now uses the OpenSSL library for SSL, and system configuration is easier through the use of autoconf.

2001-01-30 15:13

A poucos erros de buffer overrun introducted na versão 1.2 's código de autenticação SSL foram corrigidos.
A few buffer overrun bugs introducted in version 1.2's SSL authentication code were fixed.

2001-01-30 15:13

A interface distribuídos locações foi adicionado para acesso dedicado, usando arquivos de controle de acesso. Unannouncement pacotes foram adicionados para fornecer dicas para vexecds quando rexecds são removidos de um tempo com piscina. Alguns fora-de-um estouro de buffer bugs foram corrigidos, bem como alguns erros de encaminhamento stdin. SSL inicialização e código de autenticação foi fatorado.
A distributed leases interface was added for dedicated access using access control files. Unannouncement packets were added to provide hints to vexecds when rexecds are removed from a time-shared pool. Some off-by-one buffer overrun bugs were fixed, as well as some stdin forwarding bugs. SSL initialization and authentication code was factored out.

2001-01-30 15:13

Esta versão adiciona mudanças portabilidade para Solaris, batimentos cardíacos randomizado e pacotes (comunicação dentro [min, max] intervalos) para evitar os nós de sincronizar um batimento cardíaco ao acaso, e alguns bugs corrigidos.
This release adds portability changes for Solaris,
randomized heartbeat and announcement packets (within [min,max] intervals) to prevent nodes from synchronizing
a randomized heartbeat, and a few bugfixes.

2001-01-30 15:13

Initial release.
Initial release.

Project Resources