Roundhouse is a modular J2EE application platform
that allows applications to combine Struts
modules, JSR-168 portlets, and Web services into
a single application. It is intended to take the
drudgery out of new J2EE application development
by providing existing user and security
architecture, navigation, and logging although it
can be used standalone with no additional
development. It ships with forum and blog modules
along with several handy portlets which
essentially make it a a portal based blog and
forums application. The architecture is
Struts-based and includes a Struts-based JSR-168
Portlet container. Developers extend Roundhouse by
creating new standalone modules which can be
independently developed without mucking around in
the Roundhouse codebase and merged with
Roundhouse and any number of other modules at
build time. Modules can be created, packaged as
MARF files, and redistributed.