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Projeto Descrição

sa-exim-stats generates spam/mail statistics from an sa-exim logfile. sa-exim is a patch for Exim which integrates SpamAssassin into Exim. The script's output includes: total spam messages, total clean messages, spam percentage, top n spam/clean/overal recipients. The script is designed so that it doesn't have to scan the entire logfile everytime it is run (status can be saved to a file or in a MySQL database). It can create and update a RRD database, and some basic PHP pages to display the graphs are included.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-01-13 23:13

Um bug que fazia a contagem de spam não aceitou ser atualizadas no arquivo rrd foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A bug that caused the accepted spam count not to be updated in the rrd file has been fixed.

2004-08-15 17:00

Alguns erros que ocorreram desde o registro alterado em sa-exim 4,0 foram corrigidos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Some bugs that occurred since the logging changed in sa-exim 4.0 have been fixed.

2003-09-13 00:01

Esta versão vai funcionar com o sa-exim versão 3.1.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release will work with sa-exim version 3.1.

2003-07-10 23:03

A saída de avisos PHP E_NOTICE é desativado se o PHP é configurado para mostrar todos os avisos / erros. Um erro que impediu a skipped_message_count de ser salvo foi corrigido.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
The output of PHP E_NOTICE warnings is disabled if PHP is configured to display all warnings/errors. A bug that prevented the skipped_message_count from being saved has been fixed.

2003-06-21 00:15

Um lote de grandes correções de bugs e algumas melhorias característica secundária.
Tags: Major bugfixes
A lot of major bugfixes and some minor feature enhancements.

Project Resources