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Projeto Descrição

SndBite is a specialized audio editor designed for breaking large recordings into smaller components with great efficiency. Its principal intended application is in linguistic research where it is often desirable to put each word or sentence into a separate file before further processing. It is also useful for measuring pause durations. Its features include multiple simultaneous views of the waveform at different resolutions, the ability to position window edges at transitions between sound and silence, automated setting of cut points at zero-crossings, automatic filename generation easily controlled by the user, and optional automatic playback on window motion. It is scriptable and may be run in batch mode without the GUI.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-12-15 00:10

Numerosos pequenos melhoramentos foram feitos, especialmente em atalhos de teclado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Numerous small improvements were made, especially
in keyboard shortcuts.

2008-03-01 12:00

Esta versão corrige um bug onde o botão direito do mouse na janela do bairro após o final da onda causada um crash e adiciona a opção de mostrar a amplitude juntamente com a localização do ponteiro, o que é útil ao ajustar o silêncio / limiar de áudio. Existem várias outras pequenas melhorias.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release fixes a bug where right-clicking in the neighborhood window past the end of the waveform caused a crash and adds the option of displaying the amplitude along with the location of the pointer, which is useful when adjusting the silence/audio threshold. There are several other minor improvements.

2008-02-09 09:03

Esta versão adiciona um popup escrever a história e torna a biblioteca Iwidgets opcional. Existem várias pequenas melhorias e correções.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This version adds a write history popup and makes the Iwidgets library optional. There are various small improvements and bugfixes.

2007-11-18 10:01

SndBite agora é capaz de calcular a localização dos silêncios internamente, eliminando a dependência sobre o programa Pausa e libsndfile. Um comando foi adicionado para salvar a lista de silêncio. A licença GPL é agora 3.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
SndBite is now able to compute the location of
silences internally, eliminating the dependency on
the Pause program and libsndfile. A command has
been added for saving the silence list. The
license is now GPL 3.

2006-12-09 10:20

Esta versão oferece um widget entrada melhoria acentuada carta e corrige vários bugs na manipulação de argumentos de linha de comando.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release features an improved accented letter entry widget and fixes several bugs in the handling of command line arguments.

Project Resources