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Projeto Descrição

Socat is a relay for bidirectional data transfer between two independent data channels. Each of these data channels may be a file, pipe, device (terminal or modem, etc.), socket (Unix, IP4, IP6 - raw, UDP, TCP), SSL, a client for SOCKS4, or proxy CONNECT. It supports broadcasts and multicasts, abstract Unix sockets, Linux tun/tap, GNU readline, and PTYs. It provides forking, logging, and dumping and different modes for interprocess communication. Many options are available for tuning socat and its channels. Socat can be used, for example, as a TCP relay (one-shot or daemon), as a daemon-based socksifier, as a shell interface to Unix sockets, as an IP6 relay, or for redirecting TCP-oriented programs to a serial line.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-03-07 07:42

Esta versão oferece suporte multicast razoável e transmissão, cria TUN / TAP dispositivos no Linux, e introduz resumo sockets de domínio UNIX em Linux. Além disso, a segurança com OpenSSL é melhorada. Um casal de bugs e problemas foram corrigidos.
Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements
This version provides reasonable multicast and
broadcast support, creates TUN/TAP devices on
Linux, and introduces abstract UNIX domain sockets
on Linux. Furthermore, security with OpenSSL is
improved. A couple of bugs and problems have been

2006-07-14 12:43

Esta versão adiciona suporte datagrama, a integração do IPv6 melhorada, análise de linha de comando sane, o apoio à resolução e opções ext3fs, e um monte de novas funcionalidades e correções menores.
Tags: Stable, Major feature enhancements
This release adds datagram support, enhanced IPv6
integration, sane command line parsing, support
for resolver and ext3fs options, and a lot of new
minor features and fixes.

2006-01-30 01:59

Esta versão corrige um bug que quebrou socket listen mode.
Tags: Stable, Major bugfixes
This release fixes a bug that broke Unix socket listen mode.

2005-09-11 12:57

Esta versão traz suporte lockfile (no nível de aplicação e endereço), a opção readBytes, repetir para UNIX sockets, e melhor limpeza depois do trabalho.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This version brings lockfile support (at the
application and address level), the readbytes
option, retry for unix-sockets, and better cleanup
after work.

2005-03-19 01:37

Esta versão adiciona-se uma opção de timeout, suporte para os certificados de DSA, e algumas pequenas correções.
Tags: Stable, Minor feature enhancements
This release adds a connect-timeout option, support for DSA
certificates, and some minor corrections.

Project Resources