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Projeto Descrição

SQL Construction Kit aims to provide a simple builder/factory pattern based approach to generating DML SQL for all popular RDBMS systems. Included builders are SelectBuilder, InsertBuilder, UpdateBuilder, and DeleteBuilder. It is much lighter weight than any of the ORM tools available, and is 100% Java. It is a complete re-factoring of code that has been in production use since 2001 (updated to use features of Java 6). Also included is a Facade patterned Database object that wraps a Datasource object. This provides an execution framework for the results of the Builder objects, which includes simplified transaction and batch management as well as the ability to transparently handle SQL exceptions in a default manner. The Database object also provides a simple object-oriented approach via wrappers around the database metadata.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-03-24 17:13

O repositório de código foi movido para github. A construção do sistema foi alterado para Maven 3. Os artefatos foram movidos para Maven Central.
The code repository was moved to github. The build system was changed to Maven 3. Artifacts were moved to Maven Central.

2009-01-24 04:47

Esta versão corrige um bug no objeto AbstractDeleteBuilder onde não substituir o método toString () corretamente.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release fixes a bug in the AbstractDeleteBuilder object where it did not override the toString() method correctly.

2008-08-28 05:51

A interface DeleteBuilder não se estendendo a interface SQLStatement; Isso foi corrigido.
The DeleteBuilder interface was not extending the SQLStatement interface; this has been fixed.

2008-08-23 02:47

A manipulação de objetos temporais foi reformulado com novas SQL99 inspirado DATE, TIME e TIMESTAMP classes. Há mais documentação Javadoc e código wiki mais um exemplo e documentação.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Temporal object handling has been refactored with new SQL99 inspired DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP classes. There is more Javadoc documentation and more wiki example code and documentation.

2008-08-14 02:45

Esta versão adiciona implementações de vários métodos que jogou UnsupportedOperationExceptions. O whereClause API foi reformulado para tornar auto mais alguns métodos de justificação. Alguns testes de unidade quebrados foram corrigidos. O início de uma árvore de origem por exemplo, tem sido adicionado.
Tags: Major bugfixes
This release adds implementations to many methods that threw UnsupportedOperationExceptions. The WhereClause API has been refactored to make a few methods more self-explanatory. Some broken unit tests have been fixed. The beginning of an EXAMPLE source tree has been added.

Project Resources