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Projeto Descrição

Templeet is a very powerful template engine which allows you to create photo galleries, news systems, personal sites, blogs, etc. You can use it to generate HTML, CSS, SVG pictures, SMIL, and any kinds of text files. It offers multiple levels of caches.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2003-09-05 00:43

Agora incluído como pacotes: um wiki e dois blogs diferentes. Também foi adicionado na interface administrativa: um gerenciador de arquivos, um editor de texto, um visualizador de origem, e uma página de atualização (download, configuração e instalação).
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Now included as packages: a wiki and two different Weblogs. Also added in the admin interface: a file manager, a text editor, a source viewer, and an upgrade page (download, configuration, and installation).

2003-06-03 07:34

Um novo gerenciador de arquivos, editor, e um sistema de autenticação, acivation do cache padrão, e muito mais foram adicionadas. O programa também auto-auto-instala e configura-se.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
A new filemanager, editor, and authentification system, acivation of the default cache, and much more were added. The program also auto-installs and auto-configures itself.

2002-11-07 20:16

Um "auto-install" script, suporte pgsql, um pacote de galeria, e muitas correções foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
An "auto-install" script, pgsql support, a gallery
package, and many fixes were made.

2002-10-01 20:03

Suporte multi-linguagem similar ao apache / MultiViews foi adicionado. Muitas correções foram feitas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
Multi-language support similar to
apache/multiviews was added. Many bugfixes were

2002-09-18 22:03

Tags: Initial freshmeat announcement

Project Resources