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Projeto Descrição

TOMOYO Linux is a Mandatory Access Control (MAC) implementation for Linux that can be used to increase the security of a system, while also being useful purely as a system analysis tool. It was launched in March 2003 and is sponsored by NTT DATA Corporation, Japan.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-02-16 19:20

As ferramentas userland para Tomoyo 1.8.0 foram atualizados.
Tags: Update
The userland tools for TOMOYO 1.8.0 were updated.

2011-02-12 09:27
tomoyo-tools 2.2.0p2/2.3.0p1

No SUSE (e talvez outros) ambientes, / sbin / init-tomoyo falhou ao montar securityfs e causou um kernel panic. Além disso, um bug no tomoyo-tools-2.3.0-20110211.tar.gz foi corrigido. New-Tomoyo ferramentas incluem páginas homem pré-formatado, por isso help2man e gzip não são mais necessários.
Tags: Bugfixes
On SUSE (and maybe other) environments, /sbin/tomoyo-init failed to mount securityfs and caused a kernel panic. Also, a bug In tomoyo-tools-2.3.0-20110211.tar.gz was fixed. New tomoyo-tools include pre-formatted man pages, so help2man and gzip are no longer required.

2011-02-07 23:25

Um novo patch para o ramo 1.8.x foi liberada.
Tags: FIX
A new patch for the 1.8.x branch has been released.

2010-04-12 23:55

domínios separados são atribuídos para os programas CGI que usam os módulos do Apache (por exemplo, mod_perl). domínios separados são atribuídos para hosts virtuais do Apache. Edifício como um módulo de kernel carregável agora é possível.
Separated domains are assigned for CGI programs which use Apache's modules (e.g. mod_perl). Separated domains are assigned for Apache's virtual hosts. Building as a loadable kernel module is now possible.

2009-11-13 02:37

Este é o lançamento do quarto aniversário. Ele corrige vários erros e suporta correspondência diretório recursivo.
This is the fourth anniversary release. It fixes many bugs and supports recursive directory matching.

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