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Projeto Descrição

TR-IRCD is an ircd and a collection of services programs for IRC networks. The ircd is heavily influenced by ircd-hybrid and Bahamut. It includes support for IRC extensions such as md5-encrypted hostnames, modules, threads, different protocols, channel modes, and languages. It supports IPv6 and Web-based configuration, and includes a proxy scanner.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-01-18 20:15

Pequenas correções e otimizações linguagem.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Small fixes and language optimizations.

2004-06-02 13:01

Esta versão adicionou o J + + e modos de canal K, Linux epoll apoio, e um comando batei, e eliminou muitos inúteis, características antigas.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
This release added +J and +K channel modes, Linux epoll
support, and a KNOCK command, and removed many useless,
ancient features.

2004-02-24 23:50

Muitas correções e limpeza de código. Uma correção na expiração maskitem. Novos modos de canal + JK, joindelay e noknock, e uma bata novo comando.
Tags: Development, Minor feature enhancements
Many bugfixes and code cleanup. A fix in maskitem expiration. New channel modes +JK, joindelay, and noknock, and a new command KNOCK.

2003-10-31 15:16

Esta versão corrige Curiosidades sobre a análise e manipulação sjoin channelmode. Ele adiciona uma nova opção para o comando SET /, permitindo identd-se queixam de tempo de execução ou desativá-lo.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes oddities on sjoin parsing and channelmode handling.
It adds a new option to the /SET command, enabling identd-complain on
runtime or disabling it.

2003-08-17 17:35

Problemas com built-in printf, rotinas de saída do cliente, comportamento Kline novo, ea aceitar comandos foram resolvidos. Alguns bugs menores foram corrigidos.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Problems with built-in printf, client exit routines, new kline behavior, and the accept commands were solved. Some smaller bugs have been fixed.

Project Resources