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Projeto Descrição

The WWWOFFLE programs simplify World Wide Web
browsing from computers that use intermittent
(dialup) connections to the Internet. It is a
simple proxy server with special features for use
with dial-up Internet links. It makes it possible
to browse Web pages and read them without having
to remain connected. There are too many features
to mention, but they include privacy control,
cookie/advert blocking, efficient bandwidth usage
by specifying intervals between refreshes, options
to monitor pages regularly, recursive fetching,
HTML cleaning, highlighting of cached links,
indexes of cached pages, searching of cached
pages, and many more.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2011-10-04 06:15

SSL/HTTPS melhores suporte, especificamente para uso com versões mais recentes do GnuTLS.
Improved SSL/HTTPS support, specifically for use with newer versions of GnuTLS.

2011-04-10 04:39

Alguns pequenos bugs foram corrigidos SSL e uma nova opção foi adicionada para permitir a passagem de URLs do navegador para o servidor sem modificações.
Some small SSL bugs were fixed and a new option was added to allow passing URLs from browser to server unmodified.

2010-02-01 06:51

Este comunicado contém algumas novas funcionalidades de SSL (mais rápido, mas menos segura a geração de chaves e tempos mais longos de validade do certificado) e uma série de correções de bugs menores.
Tags: Minor
This release contains some new SSL features (faster but less secure key generation and longer certificate expiration times) and a number of minor bugfixes.

2009-01-26 02:36

Um pequeno conjunto de correções de bugs menores recolhidos ao longo dos últimos 12 meses.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
A small set of minor bugfixes collected over the last 12 months.

2008-01-23 22:24

Algumas correções de bugs e algumas novas funcionalidades. Uma nova opção foi adicionada à seção CensorHeader chamado referer-de. Uma nova opção foi adicionada à seção FetchOptions chamado iframes. A documentação das portas http e https opções de configuração da porta arquivo foi melhorada.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Some bugfixes and some new features. A new option has been added to the CensorHeader section called referer-from. A new option has been added to the FetchOptions section called iframes. The documentation of the http-port and https-port configuration file options has been improved.

Project Resources