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Projeto Descrição

The WWWOFFLE programs simplify World Wide Web
browsing from computers that use intermittent
(dialup) connections to the Internet. It is a
simple proxy server with special features for use
with dial-up Internet links. It makes it possible
to browse Web pages and read them without having
to remain connected. There are too many features
to mention, but they include privacy control,
cookie/advert blocking, efficient bandwidth usage
by specifying intervals between refreshes, options
to monitor pages regularly, recursive fetching,
HTML cleaning, highlighting of cached links,
indexes of cached pages, searching of cached
pages, and many more.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-07-15 17:43

Esta versão corrige algumas falhas de memória e falhas potenciais. Tem melhores mensagens de erro de manipulação de certificado SSL. Existem outras correções menores.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
This release fixes some memory leaks and potential crashes. It has better error messages for SSL certificate handling. There are other minor bugfixes.

2007-02-16 22:26

Esta versão contém correções de bugs menores, e um acessório que vai criar novos certificados SSL wwwoffle se os antigos tenham expirado.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
This release contains minor bugfixes, and an enhancement that will create new WWWOFFLE SSL certificates if the old ones have expired.

2006-08-13 13:23

Minor bugs foram corrigidos. Alguns erros de cabeçalho (por exemplo, atualizar nem sempre úteis) e 64-bit de compilação foram corrigidos.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Minor bugs were fixed. Some header errors (e.g. refresh not always working) and 64-bit compilation issues were fixed.

2006-04-15 09:32

Uma extensa de reescrever as partes internas do programa foi feito para tornar mais simples, menor e mais rápido. A capacidade de solicitações HTTPS cache e alterar os cabeçalhos ou o conteúdo da página, tal como qualquer outro URL que foi adicionado.
Tags: Major feature enhancements
An extensive rewrite of the internals of the program was undertaken to make it simpler, smaller, and faster. The ability to cache HTTPS requests and to modify the headers or page content just like any other URL was added.

2005-02-19 15:45

Tags: Minor bugfixes

Project Resources