The conventional galatea command became galatea-runner.
Temporary files are written in at the .galatea directory of the home directory.
The galatea-runner generates the configuration files of each engines from skeleton files dynamically.
A galatea-generate command to generate a project was introduced.
It is going to be expanded in future.
The skeleton files of the 'skel' directory are in ERB format, and embedding of the Ruby language is enabled.
The configuration files are generated using assigned values in system configuration (galatea.yml) and project setting (project.yml) dynamically.
In other words the correspondency of configuration files / skeleton files / runner is Model-View-Controller.
galatea.yml and project.yml are written in ERB, and embedding of the ruby language is possible.
With the values evaluated in ERB, the generation of the configuration files from a skeleton file is performed.
runner and generate use only a standard library of ruby1.8.
We finished confirmation with ruby1.9, but ruby1.8 is used as the default.
Galatea Dialog Studio
The malfunction in the IPA final version that a work load of the CPU became very high was revised.
Modified version is galatea-linux-v3.0a / gdm-src-1.0.1 of galatea-linux-ipa in
DS was implemented as a submodule controlled by AgentManager.
DialogManager starts AgentManager (written in Perl) in the IPA-final version.
The current DS is one of the Galatea submodules communicating by a Galatea protocol by standard input/output.
The module name is DM. AgentManager starts DS.
The major version of DialogManager was changed in 2.x from 1.x with this change.
DialogManager for Linux changed a name in Galatea Dialog Studio (DS) from version 2.2.
We confirmed the execution with Windows XP unofficially.