[Gauche-devel-jp] Re: define-macroをdefine-syntaxに直すには?

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HIRAUCHI Hideyuki hira****@verys*****
2004年 4月 3日 (土) 15:02:51 JST




(load "hira/smatch.scm") ;ここでmailを読み込む。ファイル名は適当です。

(define my-append
    (( '() ys)      ys)
    (( (x . xs) ys) (cons x (my-append xs ys)))))

(define (append-test app)
  (define ls '())
  (print app)
  (set! ls (app ls '(a)))
  (set! ls (app ls '(b)))
  (print ls))
(append-test append)
(append-test my-append)

;(define my-append
;  (lambda #<id 0x102943a0 user::args>
;    (let ((#<id 0x10297d40 user::binds> (smatch '( '() ys) args)))
;      (if binds
;          (apply (lambda (ys) ys) (map cadr binds))
;          (let ((#<id 0x1029b1a0 user::binds> (smatch '((x . xs) ys) args)))
;            (if binds
;                (apply (lambda (x xs ys) (cons x (my-append xs ys)))
;                       (map cadr binds))
;                (error "Wrong arguments to SMATCH-LAMBDA" args)))))))
;; 例
(smatch '(a     b a) '((c d) 2 (c d))) ;=> ((a (c d)) (b 2))
(smatch '(1 b 'c) '(1 2  c)) ;=> ((b 2))
(smatch '(1 a) '(1)) ;=> #f
(smatch '(a (a b)) '(1 (1 2))) ;=> ((a 1) (b 2))
(smatch '(a #(b c '(2)) d) '(1 #(2 3 (2)) 4)) ;=> ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4))
;長さが3で、第一要素が"ab" 第三要素がシンボルa, b,  cからなるベクター、
(smatch '("ab" b '#(a b c)) '("ab" 2  #(a b c))) ;=> ((b 2))
(smatch 'args '(a b c)) ;=> ((args (a b c)))
(smatch '(a . b) '(1   2 3)) ;=> ((a 1) (b (2 3)))
(smatch '() '()) ;=> ()

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