[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga [master] Ignore getaddrinfo() error

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Mon Nov 5 22:26:28 JST 2012

Kouhei Sutou	2012-11-05 22:26:28 +0900 (Mon, 05 Nov 2012)

  New Revision: 10c9cd0b5a8aa50fb474e0e5669553ccc2aa51e7

    Ignore getaddrinfo() error
    It is not critical. It just check whether the hostname can be resolved
    for detecting the default hostanme.

  Modified files:

  Modified: src/groonga.c (+17 -19)
--- src/groonga.c    2012-11-05 22:23:01 +0900 (d811200)
+++ src/groonga.c    2012-11-05 22:26:28 +0900 (5627134)
@@ -1779,26 +1779,24 @@ static void
   static char hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
+  int error_code;
+  struct addrinfo hints, *result;
   hostname[HOST_NAME_MAX] = '\0';
-  if (gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX)) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "gethostname failed: %s\n", strerror(errno));
-  } else {
-    int error_code;
-    struct addrinfo hints, *result;
-    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
-    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
-    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
-    hints.ai_addr = NULL;
-    hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
-    hints.ai_next = NULL;
-    error_code = getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &result);
-    if (error_code) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo failed: %s\n", gai_strerror(error_code));
-    } else {
-      freeaddrinfo(result);
-      default_hostname = hostname;
-    }
-  }
+  if (gethostname(hostname, HOST_NAME_MAX) == -1)
+    return;
+  memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
+  hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
+  hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
+  hints.ai_addr = NULL;
+  hints.ai_canonname = NULL;
+  hints.ai_next = NULL;
+  if (getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &result) != 0)
+    return;
+  freeaddrinfo(result);
+  default_hostname = hostname;
 static void
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