[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.github.com [master] en: use the same order with Japanese version

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Kouhei Sutou null+****@clear*****
Thu Jan 31 11:23:44 JST 2013

Kouhei Sutou	2013-01-31 11:23:44 +0900 (Thu, 31 Jan 2013)

  New Revision: 38b3b3ef2d3f8bf78bbb740ad8d3b9aec7288ece

    en: use the same order with Japanese version

  Modified files:

  Modified: related-projects.html (+4 -4)
--- related-projects.html    2013-01-31 11:23:21 +0900 (8cea336)
+++ related-projects.html    2013-01-31 11:23:44 +0900 (0269d6a)
@@ -42,14 +42,14 @@ title: Related Projects
       <h4>groonga + Node.js (binding)</h4>
       <p><a href="http://nroonga.github.com/">nroonga</a> is a groonga binding for Node.js. Nroonga uses groonga as a library. It means that fulltext search is done in Node.js process.</p>
-    <section id="p5-groonga">
-      <h4>groonga + Perl</h4>
-      <p><a href="https://github.com/yappo/p5-Groonga">p5-Groonga</a> is a Perl bindings for groonga. You can use groonga as a library in Perl.</p>
-    </section>
     <section id="rroonga">
       <h4>groonga + Ruby</h4>
       <p><a href="http://groonga.rubyforge.org/#about-rroonga">rroonga</a> is a Ruby bindings for groonga. Rroonga is a part of <a href="http://groonga.rubyforge.org/">The Ranguba project</a> which provides a fulltext search system built on groonga.
+    <section id="p5-groonga">
+      <h4>groonga + Perl</h4>
+      <p><a href="https://github.com/yappo/p5-Groonga">p5-Groonga</a> is a Perl bindings for groonga. You can use groonga as a library in Perl.</p>
+    </section>
     <section id="ploonga">
       <h4>groonga + Perl</h4>
       <p><a href="https://github.com/charsbar/groonga-api">Ploonga</a> is a Perl bindings for groonga. You can use groonga as a library in Perl.</p>
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