[Groonga-commit] groonga/groonga.org at 3ab774f [gh-pages] blog en: add 4.0.1 entry

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HAYASHI Kentaro null+****@clear*****
Fri Mar 28 16:51:39 JST 2014

HAYASHI Kentaro	2014-03-28 16:51:39 +0900 (Fri, 28 Mar 2014)

  New Revision: 3ab774f154027b1717e89ea3ceacb8b370b746d7

    blog en: add 4.0.1 entry

  Added files:

  Added: en/_posts/2014-03-29-release.textile (+183 -0) 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ en/_posts/2014-03-29-release.textile    2014-03-28 16:51:39 +0900 (4aefe5d)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+layout: post.en
+title: Groonga 4.0.1 has been released
+description: Groonga 4.0.1 has been released!
+published: false
+h2. Groonga 4.0.1 has been released
+"Groonga 4.0.1":/docs/news.html#release-4-0-1 has been released!
+How to install: "Install":/docs/install.html
+There are following topics in this release.
+* Resolved incresing the size of database issue
+* Supported weight vector column
+* Supported adjuster option in select command
+h3. Resolved incresing the size of database issue
+In this release, Groonga has resolved that the size of database increase by updating.
+Here is the history of suppressing the size of database:
+* 3.1.0 - Added GRN_JA_SKIP_SAME_VALUE_PUT environment variable
+  It skips updating database if the value is same. This feature is marked as experimental.
+* 3.1.2 - Enable GRN_JA_SKIP_SAME_VALUE_PUT=yes by default
+  It forces to enable above flag by default because this feature is reasonable effects
+  to suppress the size of database.
+In contrast to previous approach, Groonga can manage to use variable length more effectively so It fixes the issue about incresing the size of database.
+Note that you need to recreate the database to suppress the size of database feature.
+Here is the summary:
+* You can open the database of previous versions by Groonga 4.0.1 or later.
+* But, you can't open database which is created Groonga 4.0.1, by previous versions.
+* You can use this feature by recreating the database.
+In fact, ongaeshi who is developer of "Milkode":http://milkode.ongaeshi.me/index.html had tested the impact of this feature. Here is the verified graph about incresing the size of database. (Thanks to ongaeshi!!!)
+<img src="http://d3j5vwomefv46c.cloudfront.net/photos/large/843929509.png?1394947803"/>
+It reveals the fact that if you use previous database as is(4.0.0-72-continue), the size of database just increases, but if you recreate database, you can suppress the size of one (4.0.0-72-new).
+h3. Supported weight vector column
+In the Groonga 4.0.1 release, vector column can store multiple pairs of key and value. It is weight vector column.
+For example, if you want to store user's attribute as tag, you need to use COLUMN_VECTOR as following:
+column_create Users tags COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
+But, it is not enough if attribute has a deviation, so you need to use another columns to store the value of weight for each attriubutes as alternative way. (Here is the example schema definition of alternative way)
+column_create Users tags COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
+column_create Users tags_A COLUMN_SCALAR Int32
+column_create Users tags_B COLUMN_SCALAR Int32
+column_create Users tags_C COLUMN_SCALAR Int32...
+By supporting weight vector column, Groonga can unify such columns into one column. Use 'WITH_WEIGHT' flag in column definition.
+column_create Users tags COLUMN_VECTOR|WITH_WEIGHT ShortText
+You can store pair of key and value to vector column.
+{"Tag A":weight1, "Tag B":weight2, "Tag C":weight3, ...}
+h3. Supported adjuster option in select command
+In this release, Groonga supported adjuster option in select command.
+In the previous versions, you can treat weight for each column by using match_column.
+Here is the difference of match_column and adjuster option:
+* match_column - treat weight for matched column
+* adjuster - treat weight for specific key of column
+In combination with weight vector column support,  you can customize search results.
+For example, consiter to list up the person who use Groonga well. Assume that the value of rate is stored into weight vector column.
+Here is the sample schema definition:
+table_create User TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+column_create User weight COLUMN_VECTOR|WITH_WEIGHT ShortText
+column_create User tags COLUMN_VECTOR ShortText
+table_create Weight TABLE_HASH_KEY ShortText
+column_create Weight weight_index COLUMN_INDEX|WITH_WEIGHT User weight
+table_create Tag TABLE_PAT_KEY ShortText
+column_create Tag tags_index COLUMN_INDEX User tags
+Here is the way to load sample data:
+load --table User
+  {
+    "_key":"alice",
+    "weight":{"Groonga":30, "Mroonga":20},
+    "tags": ["Groonga", "Mroonga"]
+  },
+  {
+    "_key":"bob",
+    "weight":{"Groonga":50},
+    "tags": ["Groonga"]
+  },
+  {
+    "_key":"carol",
+    "weight":{"Groonga":40,"Mroonga":30},
+    "tags": ["Groonga", "Mroonga"]
+  }
+In the simple way, you can just use filter option to get the person who use "Groonga".
+select User --output_columns _key,_score,* --sortby -_score --filter 'tags @ "Groonga"'
+But, we want to consider the rate in this case, so we need to use adjuster option for this purpose.
+select User --output_columns _key,_score,* --sortby -_score --filter 'tags @ "Groonga"' --adjuster 'weight @ "Groonga" * 10'
+Here is the parameter for adjuster:
+'weight @ "Groonga" * 10'
+It means that calculate the value of weight for weight column which use "Groonga" as keyword, if "Groonga" exists, multiply 10 for it. 
+As a result, "bob" is the top of the result:
+If you consider the person who use not only "Groonga" but also "Mroonga", specify "Mroonga" for adjuster:
+select User --output_columns _key,_score,* --sortby -_score --filter 'tags @ "Groonga"' --adjuster 'weight @ "Mroonga" * 10'
+As a result, "carol" is the top of the result:
+h3. Conclusion
+See "Release 3.1.2 2014/01/29":/docs/news.html#release-3-1-2 about detailed changes since 3.1.1.
+Let's search by Groonga!
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