[Groonga-commit] droonga/droonga.org at 8c497dc [gh-pages] Add more descriptions to add a replica

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YUKI Hiroshi null+****@clear*****
Tue May 27 15:44:48 JST 2014

YUKI Hiroshi	2014-05-27 15:44:48 +0900 (Tue, 27 May 2014)

  New Revision: 8c497dc62e61495aed1ce84b4977ed8810ef3bfa

    Add more descriptions to add a replica

  Modified files:

  Modified: tutorial/1.0.3/add-replica/index.md (+99 -8)
--- tutorial/1.0.3/add-replica/index.md    2014-05-27 15:07:47 +0900 (07720f1)
+++ tutorial/1.0.3/add-replica/index.md    2014-05-27 15:44:48 +0900 (6e8d68c)
@@ -54,20 +54,19 @@ First, prepare a new computer, install required softwares and configure them.
     # gem install droonga-engine
     # npm install -g droonga-http-server
     # mkdir ~/droonga
-    # cd ~/droonga
 Then, remember the command line you executed to generate `catalog.json` for your cluster.
 It was:
     (on or
     # droonga-engine-catalog-generate --hosts=, \
-                                      --output=./catalog.json
+                                      --output=~/droonga/catalog.json
 For the new node, you have to generate a `custom.json` includes only one node, with same options except the `--host` option, like:
     # droonga-engine-catalog-generate --hosts= \
-                                      --output=./catalog.json
+                                      --output=~/droonga/catalog.json
 Let's start the server.
@@ -75,12 +74,12 @@ Let's start the server.
     # host=
     # droonga-engine --host=$host \
                      --daemon \
-                     --pid-file=$PWD/droonga-engine.pid
+                     --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid
     # droonga-http-server --port=10041 \
                           --receive-host-name=$host \
                           --droonga-engine-host-name=$host \
                           --daemon \
-                          --pid-file=$PWD/droonga-http-server.pid
+                          --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid
 Then there are two Droonga clusters on this time.
@@ -113,13 +112,105 @@ If you load new data via the `load` command triggered by a batch script started
 If a crawler agent adds new data via the `add` command, stop it.
 If you put a fluentd as a buffer between crawler or loader and the cluster, stop outgoing messages from the buffer. 
-### Duplicate data from the cluster to the new replica
+### Duplicate data from the existing cluster to the new replica
+Duplicate data from the cluster alpha to the cluster beta.
+It can be done by `drndump` and `droonga-request` commands.
+(You have to install `drndump` and `droonga-client` gem packages.)
+    (on
+    # drndump --host= \
+              --receiver-host= | \
+        droonga-request --host= \
+                        --receiver-host=
+Note that you must specify the host name or the IP address of the machine via the `--receiver-host` option.
+If you run the command line on the node ``, then:
+    (on
+    # drndump --host= \
+              --receiver-host= | \
+        droonga-request --host= \
+                        --receiver-host=
 ### Join the new replica to the cluster
+After the duplication is successfully done, join the new replica to the existing clster.
+Re-generate the `catalog.json` on the newly joining node ``, with all nodes specified via the `--hosts` option, like:
+    (on
+    # droonga-engine-catalog-generate --hosts=,, \
+                                      --output=~/droonga/catalog.json
+And restart servers on the new node:
+    (on
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid)
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid)
+    # host=
+    # droonga-engine --host=$host \
+                     --daemon \
+                     --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid
+    # droonga-http-server --port=10041 \
+                          --receive-host-name=$host \
+                          --droonga-engine-host-name=$host \
+                          --daemon \
+                          --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid
+Then there are two Droonga clusters on this time.
+ * The existing cluster "alpha", including two replicas.
+   * ``
+   * ``
+ * The new cluster including three replicas.
+   Let's give a name *"charlie"* to it, for now.
+   * ``
+   * ``
+   * ``
+Note that the temporary cluster named "beta" is gone.
+And, the new node `` knows the cluster charlie includes three nodes, other two existing nodes don't know that.
+Because both two existing nodes think that there are only them in the cluster they belong to, any incoming request to them never delivered to the new replica `` yet.
+Next, copy new `catalog.json` from `` to others and restart servers:
+    (on
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid)
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid)
+    # scp ~/droonga/
+    # host=
+    # droonga-engine --host=$host \
+                     --daemon \
+                     --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid
+    # droonga-http-server --port=10041 \
+                          --receive-host-name=$host \
+                          --droonga-engine-host-name=$host \
+                          --daemon \
+                          --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid
+    (on
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid)
+    # kill $(cat ~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid)
+    # scp ~/droonga/
+    # host=
+    # droonga-engine --host=$host \
+                     --daemon \
+                     --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-engine.pid
+    # droonga-http-server --port=10041 \
+                          --receive-host-name=$host \
+                          --droonga-engine-host-name=$host \
+                          --daemon \
+                          --pid-file=~/droonga/droonga-http-server.pid
+Then there are just one Droonga clusters on this time.
+ * The new cluster "charlie",including three replicas.
+   * ``
+   * ``
+   * ``
+Note that the old cluster named "alpha" is gone.
+Now the new cluster "charlie" with three replicas works perfectly, instead of the old one with two replicas.
 ### Restart inpouring of "write" requests
-------------- next part --------------

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