ARAI Mikio
2003年 11月 23日 (日) 23:32:09 JST
Date: Sunday November 23, 2003 @ 23:32 Author: m-arai Update of /cvsroot/hos/hos/hos-v4/src/win In directory sf-cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv11596 Modified Files: pacint.c Log Message: Bugfix: When the load of Windows is high, a deadlock may occur in the waiting for a semaphore in hospac_win_int. This change guarantees SuspendThread() completed certainly, even if the load of Windows is high. Reported and send by miro. See also =================================================================== File: pacint.c Status: Up-to-date Working revision: 1.5 Sun Nov 23 14:32:09 2003 Repository revision: 1.5 /cvsroot/hos/hos/hos-v4/src/win/pacint.c,v Existing Tags: ver_1_01_build0001 (revision: 1.3) ver_1_00_build0001 (revision: 1.3) ver_0_01_build0001 (revision: 1.3) branch_ver_1_00 (branch: 1.3.2) build0007 (revision: 1.3) build0006 (revision: 1.2) build0005 (revision: 1.2)