[Iiimf-skk-devel.en] How can I have a try on iiimf-skk?

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Motonobu Ichimura famao****@users*****
2003年 1月 19日 (日) 19:33:14 JST


> Hi,
>     I am not a Japaness, so, I have to write this mail in English.
>     I am going to implement an IIIMF lang. engine for Traditional Chinese,
> with some special requirement, I want to use GTK2 for the UI (xaux?).
>     Though, I have some background on XIM, but I am totally a beginner in
> IIIMF, I know that, iiimf-skk is a good language engine on IIIMF, also
> using GTK+, so I just got the source, and going to give it a try, as I
> think that, the code of IIIMF-skk would be a good reference for me.

Thank you for trying iiimf-skk. iiimf-skk can use GTK2 or GTK for the UI,
but it's UI code is a little bit ugly. I am re-implementing it to make usuable
for another language engine modules.

>     However, most of the information about iiimf-skk is in Japanese, asking
> my question in this ML would be my last choice!

sorry for your inconvenience. we have little infomation in English.

>     In my limited knowledge, I try to test all the stuff by this,
>     1. Get the IIIMF r11 branches, make and install it.
>     2. Get the iiimf-skk 0.1.22, make and install it.
>     3. Start the htt and httx by
>         /usr/local/bin/htt -if skk -syslog &
>         /usr/lib/im/httx -if skk -lc_basiclocale ja_JP -xim
>     4. Setting the env var in a term and fire up a gedit (gtk+2) to test
> with export XMODIFIERS=@im=htt
>         export LC_CTYPE=ja_JP
>         gedit

Can you see a XIM's status window? 

>     5. However, though, the step seems ok, at least the server is running,
> but in gedit, whatever I type "cntl+space" or "select the input module in
> gedit context menu" nothing happen.
>     What should I do?

1. iiimf-skk requires skkserver, check 


2. try to check xaux objects are running. if succeed, we can see


objects are running. 


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