[Jiemamy-notify] commit [1963] まずはj-eventのtest以外を整理する。model用のListenerとSupportは後回しとする。

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2008年 9月 25日 (木) 02:23:37 JST

Revision: 1963
Author:   shin1
Date:     2008-09-25 02:23:37 +0900 (Thu, 25 Sep 2008)

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Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ModelChangeSupport.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/07/27
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event;
-import java.util.Map;
-import org.seasar.framework.util.tiger.CollectionsUtil;
-import org.jiemamy.core.model.AbstractModel;
- * {@link AbstractModel}が発火するEventに関する処理を引き受ける。
- * <ul>
- * <li>{@link AbstractModel}の実装内にEventに関する処理を持ってしまうと{@link AbstractModel}の実装が
- * 煩雑になってしまうが、これを防ぐため。</li>
- * <li>さらに、リフレクションを使ってどの{@link AbstractModel}の実装からも汎用的に使用できるよう実装する。</li>
- * </ul>
- * 
- * @author shin1
- */
-public class ModelChangeSupport {
-	/** 
-	 * THINK {@link ObservableCollectionChangeListener}は型パラメータとして2種類を必要とするが、
-	 * これらの型は実行時に決定されるため宣言として実装できない。
-	 */
-	Map<Class<? extends Object>, ObservableCollectionChangeListener<?, ?>> collectionChangeListeners =
-			CollectionsUtil.newHashMap();

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeEvent.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeEvent.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeEvent.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/06/29
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeEvent;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.Observable;
- * {@link Observable}のCollectionが発火する変更Event。
- * @param <C> Collectionの実装Class (e.g. java.util.Map, java.util.List)
- * @param <M> Collectionに保持するClass (e.g. AbstractColumnModel)
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public class ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<C, M> {
-	/** 発生したEventの種類 */
-	private Timing timing;
-	/** Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection} */
-	private C collection;
-	/** {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable} */
-	private M model;
-	/** {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Index */
-	private int index;
-	/**
-	 * コンストラクタ。
-	 * @param timing イベントが発生したタイミングを表す
-	 * @param collection Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection}
-	 * @param index {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Index
-	 * @param model {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable}
-	 * @category instance creation
-	 */
-	public ObservableCollectionChangeEvent(Timing timing, C collection, int index, M model) {
-		this.timing = timing;
-		this.collection = collection;
-		this.index = index;
-		this.model = model;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection}を取得する。
-	 * @return Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection}
-	 */
-	public C getCollection() {
-		return collection;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Indexを取得する。
-	 * @return {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Index
-	 */
-	public int getIndex() {
-		return index;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable}を取得する。
-	 * @return {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable}
-	 */
-	public M getModel() {
-		return model;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 発生したEventの種類を取得する。
-	 * @return 発生したEventの種類
-	 */
-	public Timing getTiming() {
-		return timing;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection}を設定する。
-	 * @param collection Eventが発生した対象の{@link Collection}
-	 */
-	public void setCollection(C collection) {
-		this.collection = collection;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Indexを設定する。
-	 * @param index {@link #collection}に対する操作の対象Index
-	 */
-	public void setIndex(int index) {
-		this.index = index;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable}を設定する。
-	 * @param model {@link #collection}に対する操作が行われた{@link Observable}
-	 */
-	public void setModel(M model) {
-		this.model = model;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 発生したEventの種類を設定する。
-	 * @param timing 発生したEventの種類
-	 */
-	public void setTiming(Timing timing) {
-		this.timing = timing;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 発生したEventの種類。どのタイミングか?を意味する。
-	 * 
-	 * @see ObservableCollectionChangeEvent#getTiming()
-	 * @see ObservableCollectionChangeEvent#setTiming(org.jiemamy.core.event.ObservableCollectionChangeEvent.Timing)
-	 * @author shin1ogawa
-	 */
-	public enum Timing {
-		/** 追加される前 */
-		/** 追加された後 */
-		/** 削除される前 */
-		/** 削除された後 */
-		/** 要素として保持しているModelの{@link ModelChangeEvent}を把握した */
-		/** 要素として保持しているModel自体が入れ替えられる前 */
-		/** 要素として保持しているModel自体が入れ替えられた後 */
-	}

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeListener.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/ObservableCollectionChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/06/29
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.Observable;
- * {@link Observable}のCollectionに対する変更のリスナ。
- * @param <C> Listの実装Class
- * @param <M> Listに保持するModelClass (ColumnModelなど)
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public interface ObservableCollectionChangeListener<C, M> {
-	/**
-	 * ModelのCollectionに対して何らかの操作が行われた事の通知。
-	 * @param event {@link ObservableCollectionChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	void collectionChanged(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<C, M> event);

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeListener.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/06/29
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event.model;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.jiemamy.core.event.ObservableCollectionChangeEvent;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.DomainModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.RootModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.dataset.InsertDataSetModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.presentation.DiagramPresentationModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeListener;
- * RootModel用のListener
- * 
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public interface RootModelChangeListener extends ModelChangeListener {
-	/**
-	 * {@link RootModel}が保持する{@link DiagramPresentationModel}のCollectionに対する変更を処理する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event
-	 */
-	void diagramPresentationCollectionChange(
-			ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DiagramPresentationModel>, DiagramPresentationModel> event);
-	/**
-	 * {@link RootModel}が保持する{@link DomainModel}のCollectionに対する変更を処理する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event
-	 */
-	void domainCollectionChange(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DomainModel>, DomainModel> event);
-	/**
-	 * {@link RootModel}が保持する{@link InsertDataSetModel}のCollectionに対する変更を処理する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event
-	 */
-	void insertDataSetCollectionChange(
-			ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<InsertDataSetModel>, InsertDataSetModel> event);

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeSupport.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/RootModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/07/02
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event.model;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.jiemamy.core.event.ObservableCollectionChangeEvent;
-import org.jiemamy.core.event.ObservableCollectionChangeListener;
-import org.jiemamy.core.event.collectionimpl.ObservableList;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.DomainModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.RootModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.dataset.InsertDataSetModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.model.presentation.DiagramPresentationModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeEvent;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeListener;
- * Event関連の処理をModel内に直接記述するとModelのSourceの可読性が低くなるため、RootModelからそれらを引き受ける。
- * 
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public class RootModelChangeSupport {
-	/** RootModel自身のEventを監視するListenerのリスト */
-	private List<RootModelChangeListener> listeners = new ArrayList<RootModelChangeListener>();
-	/** 
-	 * domainsのリストを監視するListener 
-	 * 
-	 * @see ObservableCollectionChangeListener
-	 * @see #fireDomainsCollectionChangeEvent(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent)
-	 */
-	private ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<DomainModel>, DomainModel> domainsCollectionChangeListener =
-			new ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<DomainModel>, DomainModel>() {
-				/**
-				 * {@inheritDoc}
-				 */
-				public void collectionChanged(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DomainModel>, DomainModel> event) {
-					fireDomainsCollectionChangeEvent(event);
-				}
-			};
-	/** 
-	 * diagramPresentationsのリストを監視するListener 
-	 * 
-	 * @see ObservableCollectionChangeListener
-	 * @see #fireDiagramPresentationsCollectionChangeEvent(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent)
-	 */
-	private ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<DiagramPresentationModel>, DiagramPresentationModel> diagramPresentationsCollectionChangeListener =
-			new ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<DiagramPresentationModel>, DiagramPresentationModel>() {
-				/**
-				 * {@inheritDoc}
-				 */
-				public void collectionChanged(
-						ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DiagramPresentationModel>, DiagramPresentationModel> event) {
-					fireDiagramPresentationsCollectionChangeEvent(event);
-				}
-			};
-	/** 
-	 * insertDataSetsのリストを監視するListener 
-	 * 
-	 * @see ObservableCollectionChangeListener
-	 * @see #fireInsertDataSetsCollectionChangeEvent(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent)
-	 */
-	private ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<InsertDataSetModel>, InsertDataSetModel> insertDataSetsCollectionChangeListener =
-			new ObservableCollectionChangeListener<List<InsertDataSetModel>, InsertDataSetModel>() {
-				/**
-				 * {@inheritDoc}
-				 */
-				public void collectionChanged(
-						ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<InsertDataSetModel>, InsertDataSetModel> event) {
-					fireInsertDataSetsCollectionChangeEvent(event);
-				}
-			};
-	/**
-	 * RootModelの属性の変更Eventを処理するListener
-	 * 
-	 * @see #fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent)
-	 */
-	private ModelChangeListener rootModelChangeListener = new ModelChangeListener() {
-		/**
-		 * {@inheritDoc}
-		 */
-		public void modelChanged(ModelChangeEvent event) {
-			fireModelChange(event);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * コンストラクタ。
-	 * 
-	 * @param source {@link RootModel}
-	 * @category instance creation
-	 */
-	public RootModelChangeSupport(RootModel source) {
-		source.addModelChangeListener(rootModelChangeListener);
-		((ObservableList<DomainModel>) source.getDomains()).addListener(domainsCollectionChangeListener);
-		((ObservableList<DiagramPresentationModel>) source.getDiagramPresentations())
-			.addListener(diagramPresentationsCollectionChangeListener);
-		((ObservableList<InsertDataSetModel>) source.getInsertDataSets())
-			.addListener(insertDataSetsCollectionChangeListener);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * RootModel自身のEventを監視するListenerを追加する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param l {@link RootModelChangeListener}
-	 * @see #removeRootModelChangeListener(RootModelChangeListener)
-	 */
-	public void addRootModelChangeListener(RootModelChangeListener l) {
-		listeners.add(l);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * diagramPresentationsのcollectionを監視するListenerに通知されたEventをRootModelの監視Listenerへ通知する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event {@link ObservableCollectionChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	public void fireDiagramPresentationsCollectionChangeEvent(
-			ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DiagramPresentationModel>, DiagramPresentationModel> event) {
-		for (RootModelChangeListener l : listeners) {
-			l.diagramPresentationCollectionChange(event);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * domainsのcollectionを監視するListenerに通知されたEventをRootModelの監視Listenerへ通知する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event {@link ObservableCollectionChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	public void fireDomainsCollectionChangeEvent(ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<DomainModel>, DomainModel> event) {
-		for (RootModelChangeListener l : listeners) {
-			l.domainCollectionChange(event);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * insertDataSetsのcollectionを監視するListenerに通知されたEventをRootModelの監視Listenerへ通知する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event {@link ObservableCollectionChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	public void fireInsertDataSetsCollectionChangeEvent(
-			ObservableCollectionChangeEvent<List<InsertDataSetModel>, InsertDataSetModel> event) {
-		for (RootModelChangeListener l : listeners) {
-			l.insertDataSetCollectionChange(event);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * RootModel自身を監視するListenerに通知されたEventをRootModelの監視Listenerへ通知する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event {@link ModelChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	public void fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent event) {
-		for (RootModelChangeListener l : listeners) {
-			l.modelChanged(event);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * RootModel自身のEventを監視するListenerを削除する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param l {@link RootModelChangeListener}
-	 * @see #addRootModelChangeListener(RootModelChangeListener)
-	 */
-	public void removeRootModelChangeListener(RootModelChangeListener l) {
-		listeners.remove(l);
-	}

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/06/29
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event.model.typedef;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeListener;
- * InheritanceColumnModel用のListener
- * 
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public interface InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener extends ModelChangeListener {

Deleted: artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeSupport.java
--- artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:05:09 UTC (rev 1962)
+++ artemis/trunk/org.jiemamy.event/src/main/java/org/jiemamy/core/event/model/typedef/InheritanceColumnModelChangeSupport.java	2008-09-24 17:23:37 UTC (rev 1963)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright 2007-2008 MIYAMOTO Daisuke, jiemamy.org and the Others. Created on 2008/07/02
- * 
- * This file is part of Jiemamy.
- * 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * 
- * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- * 
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
- * an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- */
-package org.jiemamy.core.event.model.typedef;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
-import org.jiemamy.core.model.InheritanceColumnModel;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeEvent;
-import org.jiemamy.spec.util.ModelChangeListener;
- * Event関連の処理をModel内に直接記述するとModelのSourceの可読性が低くなるため、InheritanceColumnModelからそれらを引き受ける。
- * 
- * @author shin1ogawa
- */
-public class InheritanceColumnModelChangeSupport {
-	/** InheritanceColumnModel自身のEventを監視するListenerのリスト */
-	private List<InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener> listeners =
-			new ArrayList<InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener>();
-	/**
-	 * InheritanceColumnModelの属性の変更Eventを処理するListener
-	 * 
-	 * @see #fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent)
-	 */
-	private ModelChangeListener inheritanceColumnModelChangeListener = new ModelChangeListener() {
-		/**
-		 * {@inheritDoc}
-		 */
-		public void modelChanged(ModelChangeEvent event) {
-			fireModelChange(event);
-		}
-	};
-	/**
-	 * コンストラクタ。
-	 * 
-	 * @param source {@link InheritanceColumnModel}
-	 * @category instance creation
-	 */
-	public InheritanceColumnModelChangeSupport(InheritanceColumnModel source) {
-		source.addModelChangeListener(inheritanceColumnModelChangeListener);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * InheritanceColumnModel自身のEventを監視するListenerを追加する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param l {@link InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener}
-	 * @see #removeInheritanceColumnModelChangeListener(InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener)
-	 */
-	public void addInheritanceColumnModelChangeListener(InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener l) {
-		listeners.add(l);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * InheritanceColumnModel自身を監視するListenerに通知されたEventをInheritanceColumnModelの監視Listenerへ通知する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param event {@link ModelChangeEvent}
-	 */
-	public void fireModelChange(ModelChangeEvent event) {
-		for (InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener l : listeners) {
-			l.modelChanged(event);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * InheritanceColumnModel自身のEventを監視するListenerを削除する。
-	 * 
-	 * @param l {@link InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener}
-	 * @see #addInheritanceColumnModelChangeListener(InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener)
-	 */
-	public void removeInheritanceColumnModelChangeListener(InheritanceColumnModelChangeListener l) {
-		listeners.remove(l);
-	}

Jiemamy-notify メーリングリストの案内
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