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Projeto Descrição

Kazehakase is a Web browser which aims to provide a user interface that is truly user-friendly & fully customizable. It supports tabbed browsing, a "remote bookmark" feature (through RSS) in a menu or sidebar, a variable UI to adapt to the user's skill level, and customizable mouse gestures and key accelerators.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2006-08-29 23:18
kazehakase Kazehakase-0.4.0 (1 files Esconder)

Release Notes



* Costomize the side-bar from Ruby-extention(Kouhei SUTOU)
* Parge images for popup that pass the saving limit are deleted automaticaly(Ryo SHIMIZU)
** ~/.kazehakase/popup/*
* Python-extention plan is secretly starting... (Atzm WATANABE)