[JM:01885] LED Quantum Board Grow Light

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Patrick vanplexled_qf****@163*****
2020年 9月 27日 (日) 08:45:01 JST

Hello Dear friend,
Wish you and your family goes very well and good health, we'd like to recommend our LED quantum board grow light for growing plants indoor faster and healthy: 
110W 220W 440W 660W 

 2.7umol/J  160LM/W
 5 years warranty 
 IP65 waterproof
 Samsung 301b 301h led chips
 Mix 660nm red+730nm ir full spectrum
 Switch dimming function 10-100%

Lead time : 5-7days for samples, 15-18 work days for bulk order. 
Do you want a trail order to test the quality?
Warmest regards, 
Best regards, 
Vanplex, LED lighting expert.
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