[logaling-commit] logaling/logaling-server [style-star-btn] Toggle star/star-empty

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SHIMADA Koji null+****@clear*****
Wed Oct 3 23:55:53 JST 2012

SHIMADA Koji	2012-10-03 23:55:53 +0900 (Wed, 03 Oct 2012)

  New Revision: 9a971c3c774714fa18683c62e832c6d67d88692b

    Toggle star/star-empty

  Modified files:

  Modified: app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb (+5 -1)
--- app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb    2012-10-03 23:23:01 +0900 (3a2a1da)
+++ app/decorators/user_config_decorator.rb    2012-10-03 23:55:53 +0900 (f8cc1f3)
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
 # coding: utf-8
 module UserConfigDecorator
   def mark_for(glossary)
-    same?(glossary) ? "★" : "☆"
+    if same?(glossary)
+      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star')
+    else
+      content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-star-empty')
+    end
   def submit_path_for(user)

  Modified: app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml (+7 -6)
--- app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml    2012-10-03 23:23:01 +0900 (d1f80dd)
+++ app/views/dashboard/show.html.haml    2012-10-03 23:55:53 +0900 (ccda1c4)
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         = link_to user_glossary.link_text, user_glossary_path(current_user, user_glossary)
           %label{ :for => "commit_#{user_glossary.id}", :class => "btn btn-mini" }
-            %i{ :class => 'icon-star' }
+            = @user_config.mark_for(user_glossary)
             = form_for @user_config, url: @user_config.submit_path_for(current_user), :html => {:style => "margin:0;"} do |f|
               = f.hidden_field :glossary_name, value: user_glossary.glossary_name
               = f.hidden_field :source_language, value: user_glossary.source_language
@@ -30,21 +30,22 @@
-    - @github_projects.each do |github_project|
+    - @github_projects.each_with_index do |github_project, i|
         = github_project.full_name
           = link_to raw("<i class=icon-trash></i>"), user_github_project_membership_path(current_user, github_project.memberships.of(current_user).first), method: :delete, :class => 'btn btn-mini'
-          - github_project.glossaries.each_with_index do |glossary, i|
+          - github_project.glossaries.each_with_index do |glossary, j|
               - bilingual_pair = [glossary.source_language, glossary.target_language].join('-')
               = link_to "#{glossary.source_language} #{glossary.target_language}", github_project_glossary_path(:id => bilingual_pair, :github_project_id => github_project)
-                %label{ :for => "commit_github_project_glossary_#{i}", :class => "btn btn-mini" }
-                  %i{ :class => 'icon-star' }
+                %label{ :for => "commit_github_project_glossary_#{i}#{j}", :class => "btn btn-mini" }
+                  = @user_config.mark_for(glossary)
               = form_for @user_config, url: @user_config.submit_path_for(current_user), :html => { :style => "margin:0;" } do |f|
                 = f.hidden_field :glossary_name, value: glossary.name
                 = f.hidden_field :source_language, value: glossary.source_language
                 = f.hidden_field :target_language, value: glossary.target_language
-                = f.submit '', :class => 'hidden', :id => "commit_github_project_glossary_#{i}"
+                = f.submit '', :class => 'hidden', :id => "commit_github_project_glossary_#{i}#{j}"
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