claim #737

Important -- mbbuadb xwrkw****@2die4*****
2004年 12月 21日 (火) 08:55:04 JST

Hi there,
This really helped me to improve my family's finances, within 1 month
my financial stability was improving right along with the growing balance 
in my savings account. I've recommended this to all my friends and relatives 
and I am now recommending it to you with the confidence of a happy 
and satisfied homeowner. You really owe it to yourself to take advantage of 
this service, just visit the webpage, answer a couple of harmless questions,
and STOP making your mo.rtgage company rich with your overpayments.
It's true, if your mo(R)tgage rate is set at anything above 5.5% you
are throwing your mo-ney away. Major USA banks can now transform those 
average payments into I-N-CRED-IBLE payments with their new programs.
Ba.d cr-edit is not a problem - You will be approved.
Whether a first time home buyer, refinancing, or ca$hing out,
these banks can g;uaran~tee you the lowest payments available.
It's completely F-R-E-E, you can satisfy your curiosity or start sa,ving
alot of your own m,oney.

Warm holiday wishes,
Cara Costa
3183 Timbertrail Drive
Greenville, SC

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