Make them respect you-n

your children gsqow****@activ*****
2005年 4月 7日 (木) 05:40:28 JST

Such software is usually referred to as Spyware or Adware, 
and is collecting your private information 
without your consent! 

The result may vary from mere annoyance such as endless pop-ups 
or the slowing down of your PC, 
or even culminate in credit card fraud. 

Do you wish to regain control over your personal information? 

Assisted by the LARGEST Spyware database, 
Spy-Control is the solution!

Download spycontrol for FREE and 
find out within a few moments 
if you're PC is infected! 

Check here for a FREE SCAN
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ファイル名: 無し
型:         image/gif
サイズ:     14177 バイト
説明:       無し

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