[M-install-zatudan] This situation only occurs when the language setting of the os matches the language used in the resources compiled into the exe.

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henrik kamel henri****@tecow*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 12:10:56 JST

<H><u><g>[e] {N}<e><w>(s) To Impac^t (C)<Y><T>[V] 

C+hina Y.ouTV (C)[o](r){p}{.} 
Symb^ol: [C][Y][T](V) 

We <h>(a){v}(e) al_ready {s}[e][e](n) CYT-V's mark,et im#pact b#efore cl`imbin^g to (o){v}<e>{r} $2+.00 <w>{i}(t)[h] [n]{e}{w}(s)(.) 
Pre`ss Re^lease: 
C`hina Y,ouTV's Cn+Boo [W][e][b] [S]<i>(t)[e] Ran`ks [N](o)<.><1> on Micros*o#ft {L}(i){v}[e] Sear-ch En,gine 

CnBo,o Traf.fic Incr-ea+ses {4}(9)<%> {O}(v){e}{r} [T][w]{o} Mont#hs 

(R){e}<a>{d} {t}[h]{e} news., thin+k ab#out {t}{h}(e) impa-ct, and

(j)<u>(m)[p] on {t}{h}[i](s) firs.t th#ing Tom,orr_ow mor*nin`g!  $0._42 is a <g>[i][f]<t> at <t>[h]{i}<s> p,ric+e..... 

Do (y)<o>{u}[r] h^omewor*k [a]<n>(d) wat_ch (t){h}<i>{s} t_rade Mond*ay morning^. 
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