Brian J. Lopes
Mon Nov 6 02:44:55 JST 2006
This is to respond to Peter's comments, thanks for taking the time to go through my .emacs file, Peter! I also have a few questions in here, but overall it helped save my configuration. I will be sending another email asking about the lingering flyspell problems. Peter Dyballa wrote: > Am 04.11.2006 um 22:16 schrieb Brian J. Lopes: > >> Hello Everyone, >> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook >> (function (lambda () >> (require 'reftex) > > This statement does not belong into a hook. Require makes Emacs remember to load something in case it's needed. Since Emacs does not forget as easily as humans do it's OK to write this statement once and outside of a hook. I got the impression that this would mean that I would only load the configuration when necessary, and hence help speed up my already slow loading time for Carbon Emacs. > >> (if window-system >> (progn >> ... >> (set-background-color "black"))) ;;if using -nw then background black > > There is no progn needed for the else part. It's treated as kind of a default, so it's interpreted in sequence. The if part is assumed to be an exception – would you otherwise (for no exception) use an if clause? I use this so that I have different settings for when I open in -nw mode, it's more handy on my Linux installations, but does that answer your question for why it's an if statement? >> (setq load-path (append load-path (list nil "/Applications/myapps/") load-path)) ; Look in Carbon Emacs lisp folder next (for Mac emacs) > > I think these are not needed. You can check in emacs with these lines commented. Another way to extend load-path: > > (setq load-path > (mapcar 'expand-file-name > (append '( > "/Library/Application Support/Emacs" > "/Library/Application Support/Emacs/reftex" > "/Library/Application Support/Emacs/auctex" > "/Library/Application Support/Emacs/auctex/images" > "/Library/Application Support/Emacs/preview") > load-path))) > > (add-to-list 'load-path (concat "/Library/Application Support/ Emacs/calendar" > (number-to-string emacs-major-version))) Disco! This was the main problem in my configuration file, so I commented that stuff out. It works fine, although wait for the following email about a lingering problem. For now, all I want to do is add my personal $HOME/.elisp directory into the path, so can I just use: (add-to-list 'load-path (concat "~/.elisp" \ (number-to-string emacs-major-version)))