Fóruns: Developers (Thread #42925)

Localization discussion (2020-09-09 18:32 by quiret #85745)

Magic.TXD does need proper translation into each important language. Community efforts have greatly helped with the UI portion of translation (authors have been credited in the respective source files).

Look here for the localization effort of the under-the-hood magic-rw framework:

The upcoming 1.2 release will need further localization of new UI components. Please post here if you want to apply as beta tester and join the translation team. Tell me what language you want to extend/improve and describe yourself in a few sentences.
(Last Update: 2020-09-09 18:32 by quiret)

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Re: Localization discussion (2020-09-17 22:14 by quiret #85825)

Reply To Message #85745

By finishing the latest localization work on magic-rw and committing an update to Magic.TXD we have made huge progress on complete localization of the tool:


It is now possible to localize nearly every string because magic-rw errors and warnings use a localization subsystem now. There are still some hardcoded strings related to the old RenderWare exception messages but it should not be too big of a task to localize the remainders.

There will be a linux build available for testing soon.
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