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Projeto Descrição

3. party software repackaged by

The 3. party software within the packages is usually not forked. The 3. party software tends to be only wrapped, but there CAN be forks. This project does NOT have a classical version control system repository, because it is a collection of release deliverables of the repackaging projects.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2020-01-23 14:29
repackaged_ZeroNet release_name_snowflake_001 (1 files Esconder)

Release Notes

Tested on 2019 version of Kanotix Linux on AMD64. Uses Python2.

With some manual modifications of the main Bash scripts (some tests have to be commented out) and multiple start-up attempts it has been tested to work on Windows10 Professional WSL ("Windows Subsystem for Linux"). The requirements for running on Win10 WSL include, but might not be limited to:

x) As root of the WSL Debian based virtual appliance,

apt-get install python-gevent
and possibly other Python2 related packages and classical commandline tools.

x) In all of the 3 main Bash scripts the line

func_mmmv_exit_if_not_on_path_t2 "pip2"
must be commented out.

x) The Bash script install_python2_modules.bash is executed with a command line argument


During testing on Win10 WSL the way to get it running was that at first attempt it hung, but after killing the process with the the Ctrl-C keyboard shortcut and restarting the ZeroNet node it worked fine. As of 2020_01 the upstream home page of the ZeroNet is

Thank You for reading this text and thank You for trying out this software.


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