Tayyab Samalino
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 03:52:12 JST
H-E,R.E WE GO AGAI_N! T H.E B,I*G O+N_E BE-FORE T,H.E SEPTEMBER.R*AL_LY! T H E MARKE_T IS AB.OUT TO P,O-P., A*N,D SO IS E_X'M_T+! Fir-m: EX C*HANGE MOBI,LE T*E'L.E (Ot-her O*T,C,: EXMT.P-K) T*ick: E*X_M_T A-s*k-: 0+.+0,8 5-da_y potentia+*l: 0-.*4-0 T+h+i's a g,reat op port*unity to****@lea***** do uble up! N'o t o'n-l_y d o-e,s t+h i+s f-i'r-m h_a+v,e grea't fu'ndamen tals, b u't getti_ng t-h.i+s opportunit* y at t-h'e r-ight ti+me, ri'ght befo_re t,h+e rall.y is w.h.a*t make,s t.h.i s d e-a_l so sweet'! W'atch it s_o.a r+! O z,z+y - T,h'e B e_s't - B e*s*t Track09,. rsit_y Pr.ess 1 .94349497 1*9-8-0 . It w a+s d.a,r,k in t-h*e ba'thr_oom becaus,e t h+e ca,ndles h a'd b*e_e,n ex*ti*nguished in t'h.e g'reat r u,s'h of w*ater t+h a_t h,a d l-e_f.t b'o+t h wall*s a+n,d fl oor soaki-ng w*e_t+. Z'I,P 1838,8 1_6-01-'94 A. Westf'iel-d Am_erica lease-d t*h,e con'co.urse m.all, a*n.d Sil vers,tein t.h,e offi*ce port,ion.